Anodizing parts


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
got some billet shock rezzie clamps last year and a moose throttle over the winter, but they're blue.
i ran the clamps as is last year as they're kinda down and out of sight, but this moose thumb throttle anodized bright blue sitting on top of my bars just wasn't going to cut it, so today I removed the anodizing "the Dualstroke way"
(thanx bro !) using "Greased Lightning"

started with this..




grabbed some Greased Lightning from the dollar store..


not long and you start to see some bubbling action...


pulling the parts every 10 minutes or so to check progress,
anodizing partially removed..


after about an hour i ended up with this..



i'll post more pics after i get them all polished up I:I
Awk, do I give green to you or Dualstroke?

We dont't get Greased Lightning in Oz, what are the active ingredients please?
Awk, do I give green to you or Dualstroke?

We dont't get Greased Lightning in Oz, what are the active ingredients please?

lets give dually the greens, i even called him halfway thru to be sure i was doing it right.
i'll get you the ingrdients next time i'm down the shop.
it says right on the back of the bottle "not for use on aluminum/anodized aluminum"
Hello Awk08, I came across this post through Google trying to find some odd anodizing jobs. I'm not sure if you want your parts anodized after polishing but if you do I can anodize them for a very reasonable price. I specialize in small part runs that don't cost the customer crazy money. I have a variety of colors or if you just want to keep the clear polish look I can clear coat them as well. More info at my website:
or if you have any questions regarding anodizing don't hesitate to ask. Thanks and sorry if I'm breaking any forum rules I tried to find the PM option but couldn't :(

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a call to Ryan told me what i wanted to hear, the above parts are getting polished by me soon and sent to ryan for new red anodizing, i may send my new RAD carrier too ??
once they're done and back to me to post pics of, we'll get ryans subscription paid and an advertising thread set up for him
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So what, people just have programs running looking for key words?

Cool that there will/might be an anodizing vendor available.

he says he just happened to be googling anodizing and came across a link to my thread in the google results, so he checked it out ??

either way, i liked what he had to say, and the price estimate was right, so hopefully yes this does turn into another option for us on here I:I

and although we can't post that link to his website just yet, here's some pics of his work from it.......

acid washed anodized ???........

Thanks for the info Awk, I started looking up that RAD carrier and for the most part it should anodize well. Only problem would be what else is assembled to it like bearings or fittings. Only aluminum anodizes and any other metal will simply melt away, plastic seals won't be an issue in anodizing tho.

edit: BTW those pictures are taken with my Iphone so not that greatest quality :) That green piece above is an Oil Separator, also acid washing is a great way to have a one of kind custom piece that can have multiple colors added to it. I can also laser engrave parts after anodizing.
Thanks for the info Awk, I started looking up that RAD carrier and for the most part it should anodize well. Only problem would be what else is assembled to it like bearings or fittings. Only aluminum anodizes and any other metal will simply melt away, plastic seals won't be an issue in anodizing tho.

edit: BTW those pictures are taken with my Iphone so not that greatest quality :) That green piece above is an Oil Separator, also acid washing is a great way to have a one of kind custom piece that can have multiple colors added to it. I can also laser engrave parts after anodizing.

im interested! what exactly is anodizing anyways? how strong is it?
im interested! what exactly is anodizing anyways? how strong is it?

anodizing is a process of electro/chemically causing a very thin layer of oxidation on an aluminum part, then dipping it in a special dye that stains that layer of oxidation, then a sealer is applied, the coloring is embedded into the aluminum itself and cannot be scratched, chipped or peeled off like paint or powder coating can be.

i'll be polishing those parts above and sending them to ryan prolly within a week to get them anodized red to better match my color scheme of my bike
the RAD carrier will prolly be going too ?
and possibly my iron cross bumper and rear grab bar over next winter ??

i quit polishing my aluminum parts 2 seasons ago,
i gave them all a brushed finish with a scotch pad on a small air grinder.
it just too much work to keep raw aluminum shiny, if you actually ride the quad.
there's no trailer/garage queens in this stable, and after a hard ride, thats the last thing on my mind...."oh my, look at all my shiny parts, i better spend another hour or so cleaning and repolishing them" <<<< yeah right I:I
anodizing is a process of electro/chemically causing a very thin layer of oxidation on an aluminum part, then dipping it in a special dye that stains that layer of oxidation, then a sealer is applied, the coloring is embedded into the aluminum itself and cannot be scratched, chipped or peeled off like paint or powder coating can be.

i'll be polishing those parts above and sending them to ryan prolly within a week to get them anodized red to better match my color scheme of my bike
the RAD carrier will prolly be going too ?
and possibly my iron cross bumper and rear grab bar over next winter ??

i quit polishing my aluminum parts 2 seasons ago,
i gave them all a brushed finish with a scotch pad on a small air grinder.
it just too much work to keep raw aluminum shiny, if you actually ride the quad.
there's no trailer/garage queens in this stable, and after a hard ride, thats the last thing on my mind...."oh my, look at all my shiny parts, i better spend another hour or so cleaning and repolishing them" <<<< yeah right I:I

hahaha she gets ridden hard then left dirty. i thought the blue looked kinda nice on your elkas
hahaha she gets ridden hard then left dirty. i thought the blue looked kinda nice on your elkas

the clamps, and now the throttle, would have been the only 2 blue pieces on the whole quad, and i'm not trying to have the red, white and blue "captain america" look

i prefer red, white and MUD !!!!
im interested! what exactly is anodizing anyways? how strong is it?

Awk covered the basics of it and I'll add a few more things. Anodizing is extremely strong and like awk said doesn't chip or peel. There are some limitations on Aluminum Anodizing like the type of aluminum that anodizes. Your standard machined aluminum like awks parts are 6xxx series which anodizes extremely well. But Cast Aluminum which is found on most motor vehicles does NOT anodize well at all.

For the most part people get their parts anodized because its the best way to protect aluminum from corrosion and can be very decorative. You can anodize a part any color except white. With anodizing the way the aluminum looks before the process ie: polished or matte will be the way it comes out with a protective coating and a color if you choose to color it.

parts are on their way Ryan.
call me when they're done