alittle unhappy with neighbors

there ya go, even better ! shoot em in the ass with the pellet gun! it wont kill them, itll make em stay outta your yard though! we had to do the same thing multiple times. we painted our neighbors cats orange with paintball guns, and shot dogs with my one pellet gun. needless to say we dont have dog or cat problems anymore
lol, yeah one of my school friends painted stuff orange also, i don't have a paintball gun though never got into that spent my money on other things,

but yeah i could use the pellet gun,

anyway, my mom is home and she said dont let it bother u, if they really care about use "in their yard" on blaster she said if they call the cops she just say to have them survey it, as its not cheap.

P.s. they don't know we had it surveyed they weren't home when we had it done
This is odd. I had a pitt jump on my property and attack my dogs. I asked the popo when they arrived if i could kill it if it got on my property and they told me no. This is confusing?
Our neighbor wouldn't have told the truth under any circumstance

She hates all of our neighbors, and now us

Her husband doesn't care i don't think
Id have another talk with her and end it with saying dont piss me off (neighbors name) you wont like me when I'm angry. for quads have the authotitys deal with it. If it were me Id have the 12 guage loaded with bird sead. and fire into the air if her dogs got to close for comfort.