air box boot? remake pvc??


Jan 28, 2016
Okay so I know that this stock boot has a really hard been in it I was wondering if I got the right sizes and bends in PVC would it actually be better I feel like I could go to the hardware store to get the right pieces put it together and make it the right size for less money than buying an aftermarket air box but I want to know if anybody else has tried it or have any suggestions
Why try to reinvent the wheel Just go with what works. There are a lot of things that could go wrong with trying to make you own intake, These things that go wrong could lead to a lot of money being thrown into your motor. Just my .02
39mm carb using a stockish Blaster airbox:



Why try to reinvent the wheel Just go with what works. There are a lot of things that could go wrong with trying to make you own intake, These things that go wrong could lead to a lot of money being thrown into your motor. Just my .02

THIS /\/\ the smooth curves and gentle reduction in area is like a velocity stack. It automatically increases velocity and density of the air charge.
Only aftermarket box I've seen that's worth a crap was the Planet Blaster, which isn't available now. IMO, I wouldn't waste my $$ on a CFM box.

Now if you were to use turbo tubing and silicone pieces, maybe.