ahh gotta scratch that itch

yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
I am so getting the itch to ride. Ever since I got my new quad I just wanna hammer it and top that biotch out. I want to mud bog with it so bad I can just taste it rite on the tip of my tongue that taste you get when you get the face full of mud and you go yuke and spit it out. The smell of the steam rolling of the scorching hot exhaust. The sound of the sizzle from the water hitting the exhaust and the sound of it being wide open brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp. The sound of the shocks smashing when you land from some air. I short words I wanna ride reallly bad and this weekend we got a stupid play to go for my cousin if I had my lisence I would be loading the quad up and a buddies quad and be going to the cabin and ripping the trails up. But no I gotta wait until the second weekend in may.