A day of mudding :)

yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
Before this pic was taken I had it on its side about ready to flip over but my dad didn't get me with the phone. I was bycling to turn around and it just all of a sudden went and I luckly caught it before it went over.
In this pic the mud was well over my freshly painted exhaust looks like I get to paint it.
my friend use to have one of those.he had to replace the belt once.thats some deep mud.that like the kind of mud we have around here when it rains alot and it has been pouring rain here for a couple days.
i'm glad that i am not getting too much mud round here, just a little on the corners of my track that i just redid!!! had to go out and fix the mud so the track is in tip top condition
You just got to watch the seal around your belt case they like to dry rot. We just replaced the belt in my dads last year after like 4 years on that belt.
my polaris still has the factory belt from 88 but my friend has replaced his once on his 99 scrambler and my other friend has a 98 grizzly and before he put a snorkel on it any time u hit water above a fast crawl the belt would slip forever!