it would be a fun job.. + i bet you'll get huge discounts..
Yeah thats what I figured. It should be sick. Too bad there is nothing left to powdercoat on the raptor

it would be a fun job.. + i bet you'll get huge discounts..
any am parts for sale or still the stock ones??
i like.its a bad ass raptor.its that a cover over the carrier or is that just a huge ass carrier?
Yeah thats what I figured. It should be sick. Too bad there is nothing left to powdercoat on the raptorI guess im a little late I:I
looks awesome man! its between one of these and a yz450 for my next quad
yeah i meant yfz, my fingers aren't working properly tonight haha
love that BRIGHT orange filter just hanging off the gotta love fram. btw bike is sick man, great build
looks great, ever had any problems with it leaking gas??
thats actually ballin as hell bro good job.