98 Blaster re-build


New Member
Nov 5, 2011
Red Lion'PA
Hey, i am in the progress of re-building my 98 Blaster. This project will take a long time. It is for me and my Lil brothers. We thought we would do a Modern Warfare Theme. As you can see in the pics this Quad is Quadsrus1 old one. We plan on prepping the frame, A arms, and swing arm this weekend to get it ready for powder coating. If anyone powder coats or knows anyone that powder coats let me now so i can get it for a good price..



well today i was stripping my Blaster and i got a lot done.
I got the Front tires off, all the accessories on the handle bars, and most of the wiring off..
also i plan to Paint the quad Green and black, for modern warfare3. My seat cover will probably be modern warfare3. I want to have this done by the end of winter. And tomorrow i plan to get everything a part and ready for painting. well that is my plan for now.
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I am amidst painting my quad now. Everything is stripped so I can get a quote from my local power coating place. Good luck man!
sorry for not writing about my re-build. I just want to start back up with writing about it. I really did not write because i could not get money to buy what i need, Well hear are the colors i am using.

White(not in Pic)

Kinda a lite blue
Red (not in pic)
Dark gray primer
a can of clear coat

Swing Arm:Red
Handle Bars:White
Front Bumper:Blue
Grab Bar:White
Front/Rear Plastics:Red