4stroke vs. 2stroke

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i already have LOLed from the lack of knowledge and bias here. And maybe you should just go point at the sky on rocks some more. And someone with a sig of i love booty doesnt really seem to know much either. Perhaps you would learn from some of the things i have to say.

Mate, How about you just get off your high horse, And stop thinking you know it all. You Do NOT, so give up.
gscx1 get the hell out of this forum. we dont like people like you on this forum . your a newbie and you only been here for a day so leave now and let all of us 2 stroke lovers be
So far i havent done anything that would be a banhammer, i am only spreading knowledge. I am here to put everyone on the same level. And that is to build them up, not break them down. So no, i am not on a high horse, nor do i know it all. Why not learn from what i am posting? Instead of just saying St000pid Nub!!11!!! 2 str0kzez iz teh BESSSTttT EVARRRR!!!!
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i already have LOLed from the lack of knowledge and bias here. And maybe you should just go point at the sky on rocks some more. And someone with a sig of i love booty doesnt really seem to know much either. Perhaps you would learn from some of the things i have to say.

havent you caught on already?? KNOWONE GIVES A f*ck ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY! you you speak another language that you would like me to retype that it? If you LOL'd then good,we dont care about the comments that came after that. And trust me,i know a good enough deal about 2 and 4 strokes that keeps me riding a 2stroke and happy with it. Take ur knowledge to ppl that want to listen to it,be we dont need it. We have enough here,that arent uptight assholes. K thanks. kiss ur mom for me when u get home.
So far i havent done anything that would be a banhammer, i am only spreading knowledge. I am here to put everyone on the same level. And that is to build them up, not break them down. So no, i am not on a high horse, nor do i know it all. Why not learn from what i am posting? Instead of just saying St000pid Nub!!11!!! 2 str0kzez iz teh BESSSTttT EVARRRR!!!!

where have i said that? Certianly not in this thread,this is just a funny thread that you have helped turned to sh*t,so stop posting in it.
LOL. Thanks for another one. Mom jokes? I will disregard that just to make you look better. But wouldnt you like to learn more? Or would you like to be stupid your entire life?
LOL. Thanks for another one. Mom jokes? I will disregard that just to make you look better. But wouldnt you like to learn more? Or would you like to be stupid your entire life?

if i want to learn more,ill be sure to search to forum for answers,since this thread doesnt need and tech questions answered,you dont need to be in it. go to the tech section if ur so helpfull. cause i havent seen you post anything helpfull at all.
Well this thread was yet another biased subject on how 2 strokes are better. I just came to set the facts straight. You dont have to listen to me if you dont want...
Hmmm, i see that most of his experience is on the Dyno, pointless. He sounds like one of those people that try to sell you cars that run on water and sh*t lol. And he only talks about peak power over and over again. That is NOT what makes a 4 stroke so great. They pull so much longer. Are more tractable and weight is not an issue now. This guy is stuck in the 80s. Now idk about you but i went to a Pro National this year at High Point. And do you know how many two strokes i saw there? 1, out of about 90 bikes in qualifying i saw ONE two stroke. And the only reason that there are more two strokes in the amature class is because they let 250 two strokes run with 250 four stroke. But, i still see more than 90 percent of bikes are 4 strokes. Why? Well they are alot more stable and the engine breaking really helps. Also when you come out of a turn nothing really beats how hard a 4 stroke will pull, the traction that they get and the sheer power is pretty amazing. You have to experience it to know what i am talking about
i wasnt talking about this race season but in the coming season many racers are planning to make the switch to a 2 stroke. get out of the stoneage in the one thread you posted a 4 year old article thats completly outdated now get some current facts to back up what your saying so far all you have done is talk sh*t no facts to back it up. so nut up or shut up
Hmmm, i see that most of his experience is on the Dyno, pointless. He sounds like one of those people that try to sell you cars that run on water and sh*t lol. And he only talks about peak power over and over again. That is NOT what makes a 4 stroke so great. They pull so much longer. Are more tractable and weight is not an issue now. This guy is stuck in the 80s. Now idk about you but i went to a Pro National this year at High Point. And do you know how many two strokes i saw there? 1, out of about 90 bikes in qualifying i saw ONE two stroke. And the only reason that there are more two strokes in the amature class is because they let 250 two strokes run with 250 four stroke. But, i still see more than 90 percent of bikes are 4 strokes. Why? Well they are alot more stable and the engine breaking really helps. Also when you come out of a turn nothing really beats how hard a 4 stroke will pull, the traction that they get and the sheer power is pretty amazing. You have to experience it to know what i am talking about

ok im afan or all power sports but im not being a dick here or nothing but how does a 4 stroke make u have more traction. the only way i really see this is because they dont have the powerband like a 2 stroke. because a 4stroke has a smooth powerband. kinda like if u take ashee an put a 2 crbto a 1 carb adaptor on it it makes it more of a smooth powerband like a 4 stroke.
yes that is nice but see some of us still love the powerband of a 2 stroke. its kinda like a turbo engine the power comes ot of no where. thats what makes it more of a challenge some of us like the challange.

also then y does travis pastrana still only ride 2 stroke dirt bikes?

also have u ever watched the video on pov 100 dollar hill with the guys banshee. like he said in is video the 4 strokers dont have the highend like a 2 stroke. the 4 stroke guys gotta go up at an angle. then u see him take his shee staight up the hill.

im not saying anyting bad about 4 strokes cause i like all powersports. im just trying to say that some of us like a challange to riding instead of just hoping on an goin like on a 4 stroke.

i myself love how the powerband kicks in out of no where an then ur machince just goes ape sh*t. unlike a 4 stroke u mash it an it just staysthe same all the way from 2500- 12500 like my frineds yfz. hey even my friend said for it only being a 195cc compared to his 449cc yfz its alot of fun how the power comes out of no where.

what im just tryin to say is that some of us are just die hard 2 stroke fans cause we love the challange they give us.

thats just my 2 cents.

im not trying to say one is better then the other just what some of us prefure :)
No, they arent planning to switch to a 2 stroke. I see no evidence of this anywhere i read. And i have given facts, you are just in denial. Ok, so let me post a modern dyno.


LOL, i told you i did you a favor

Ok, so what you post some newer facts. my point is that if you were to put a yz250 vs a yz250f what wins. your comparing something with double the cc size. why dont you compare closer cc sizes like a 450 agaisnt a cr500. its kind of obvious that the higher cc motor would do better idiot. and just because you see no evidence does not mean its not happening. you just refuse to belive what you see. and take your dyno sh*t to where someone actually gives a f*ck. or maybe you could start your own website dynochartbullshit.com. the dyno doesnt win races the racer and the bike win.
i already have LOLed from the lack of knowledge and bias here. And maybe you should just go point at the sky on rocks some more. And someone with a sig of i love booty doesnt really seem to know much either. Perhaps you would learn from some of the things i have to say.

what that you are a dumbass nobody likes and what will win in a race a YZ250 or a YZ250f
Ok, so what you post some newer facts. my point is that if you were to put a yz250 vs a yz250f what wins. your comparing something with double the cc size. why dont you compare closer cc sizes like a 450 agaisnt a cr500. its kind of obvious that the higher cc motor would do better idiot. and just because you see no evidence does not mean its not happening. you just refuse to belive what you see. and take your dyno sh*t to where someone actually gives a f*ck. or maybe you could start your own website dynochartbullshit.com. the dyno doesnt win races the racer and the bike win.

LMAO not trying to be against anyone but next time try not to contradict your self dumbass. You said it your self the RIDER and BIKE win races, the combination of both. The yz250 may win in a drag but go down to the mx track. And ive seen some videos of the 250f winning, so stop being biased and jsut accept both the cons and pros of what you like.
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