450 adjusting valves

shop will charge probably $70 an hour, and says it will take 2 hours... PLus you will have to pay probably $8 per shim...

Or do it yourself for $30 (the price for shims)
yea im finally seeing the cost and this shop is 90 a hour so im at 180 right there plus the parts im looking at **cking 250$ I think damm I just put 500$ into this thing in just handles bars and bumpers im really starting to like my blaster and raptor better
I adjust ours regularly.... Just need a Hotcams shim kit or similar and some basic tools.

I no how to work on 2 strokes........4 strokes I dont get at all I no the vavles need to be adjusted in the head put I never done it or no one has shown me how to do it........the shop I used to work at I was more of and errin boy I would get them tools and stuff and I did a couple top ends for them on 2 strokes other wise I dont understand what needs to be done with adjusting a 4 stroke head if you can send me a pic what like a standerd or most basic one what you need to do so I can get alittle more knowlage would be great
We learned to do it from that YFZcentral link....

The worst part about it is that the stock shims are precise measurements, and the aftermarket shims are .005 increments. So you may need to buy a kit of shims ($85 ish) and use trial and error until you get the gapping right. Just make sure when you get the proper spacing finally you keep a log of the shims you have in the quad so you can get an idea what shims you will need the next go around.. You can pretty much count on using several different sizes each time you adjust them..

I wish you were in my area I would just do it with you. You could just buy the shims and labor would be free.

If you have any more questions feel free to email me at tbolt94@yahoo.com and I will do my best to help out.
We learned to do it from that YFZcentral link....

The worst part about it is that the stock shims are precise measurements, and the aftermarket shims are .005 increments. So you may need to buy a kit of shims ($85 ish) and use trial and error until you get the gapping right. Just make sure when you get the proper spacing finally you keep a log of the shims you have in the quad so you can get an idea what shims you will need the next go around.. You can pretty much count on using several different sizes each time you adjust them..

I wish you were in my area I would just do it with you. You could just buy the shims and labor would be free.

If you have any more questions feel free to email me at tbolt94@yahoo.com and I will do my best to help out.

thank you I appreite you took the time, Its looks pretty stright foward theres just alot of parts,the head on my ds should look simular right,and when you do this is there a new gasket that needs to go in bettween there and the head or no