4 pokes, 2 stroke 4 life, post your support

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New Member
Jan 9, 2008
northern va
i want everyone to share their feelings about the traiters being anti 2 stroke cus they cant stay on a 2 stroke. personally i hate 4 strokes and will ride a 2 stroke till i die. 4 strokes put up a fight when starting, you have to change the oil all the time, they backfire, they throw you over the bars when you downshift, unreliable- valves break, slow, quiet,it takes double the engine size of a 2 stroke just too stay with a stroker, and they suck. post your support for strokers.
hell yeah man, four strokes are getting faster but the sound of a 2stroke, well you cant beat it.yeah you have to mix your gas, SO WHAT, on a for stroke you have to change the oil all the time, there is too many things to break in the motor(valves, cam, cam chain, whatever else)
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yes,i personally am mad that people who ride 4 strokes say 2 strokes cause so much polution, well 4 strokes release un burned fuel in the antomsphere. a 2 stroke makes a lil smoke so what. i personally like my blaster too much that i will never sell it. and 4 stroke parts are so damn expensive! i have raced mx racing 4 stroke quads and beat them on the track. 2 stroke for life!

and at my uncles shop we see more 4 stroke atvs being fixed becuz of damage or problems. the only crap u ever need to do with a 2 stroke is to put a new piston and rings in. it costes more to rebuild a 4 stroke than a 2 stroke
i couldnt agree more, my buddy has a junk 4 stroke, and he thinks its bad, but the funny part is, im always lookin behind me for him .........keep two strokes alive!!!!!


2 strokes are cool but they have their place - a museum of course, along with all the other technologies of past decades.

J/K, I like 2 smokes, but there's nothing wrong with 4 strokes either.
If you hate 4 strokes so much then what kind of car do you drive? Are you saying that a lamborghini is sh*tty because it doesn't burn oil and only fires on every 2nd stroke? Or a hayabusa? Stack the fastest 2 stroke machine out there vs the fastest 4 stroke machine and I can tell you right now what the outcome will be. Or fuel efficiency. Seems to me that 2 strokes burn twice as much as a 4 stroke doing the same thing.

I got nothing against 2 strokes at all, I just don't get why all you 2 stroke guys are hating on 4 strokes.
yeah its not ppl who ride or like 4strokes fault we 2stroke guys had r asses handed to us in this new law by the epa

i dont have 2stroke or 4 stroke pride i have quad pride!
lets just ride and have fun wether ur parents buy you a nice new 4stroke or an old blaster its all play and no matter what ur on ur having fun

i always think of it this way a bad day fixing my quad is better than a good day at school, so i dont have a problem with 2strokes besides the parts are dirt cheap anyway!
as for 4 strokes id love to get one just to try and use in winter
but till then i got my blaster

i think il keep a 2 and 4 stroke once i get enough money just so i have them
il always love 2 because the blaster is my 1st quad but i dont have anything against 4
If you hate 4 strokes so much then what kind of car do you drive? Are you saying that a lamborghini is sh*tty because it doesn't burn oil and only fires on every 2nd stroke? Or a hayabusa? Stack the fastest 2 stroke machine out there vs the fastest 4 stroke machine and I can tell you right now what the outcome will be. Or fuel efficiency. Seems to me that 2 strokes burn twice as much as a 4 stroke doing the same thing.

I got nothing against 2 strokes at all, I just don't get why all you 2 stroke guys are hating on 4 strokes.

they hate 4 cuz they are in the 2nd of dr phils 4 stages to change (wether it be your wife cheating on u, a crack adiction or 2strokes being banned lol)

1 denial
2 blame
3 realization
4 acceptance

lmao dont worry the rest of my fellow 2 stroke guys you will reach stage 4 eventualy wether u realize it or not... its ok.

scre 4 strokes they blow at most the warrior they are sooooooo slow made for trails my ass i got one and i got owned my a utility 400 artic cat was bad but then i had to get the blaster and i kicked his ass was fun because the new pipe and everything kicks some major ass
i love my 2 stroke, but when it comes to start and stop trail riding id rather have the four stroke but thats just me. like my friend has a 250ex and i smoke him but id rather ride that in the trails then my blaster
yea hoonestly idk why u would mod out a warrior, just move up to a 400, like the ex or ltz, warriors' geormetry really isnt good and they are slow
scre 4 strokes they blow at most the warrior they are sooooooo slow made for trails my ass i got one and i got owned my a utility 400 artic cat was bad but then i had to get the blaster and i kicked his ass was fun because the new pipe and everything kicks some major ass

It's people like you that bring this sport down. You're talking about warriors being so slow. I'm not one to brag about "mine's faster than yours", but in reality a stock warrior is faster than a stock blaster.

So quit talking sh*t, I realize you're 14 years old and think you have to attack everybody and everything to validate your own existence, but you're just making yourself and your fellow blaster riders look like fools, when in reality it's just a couple kids like you with a head full of tough badness that make everyone else with a blaster end up with the same reputation that "I can beat everybody." and "everybody that doesn't have a blaster sucks"

Crusty couldn't have said it better. I don't know about you tough punks, but I'm in this sport to have fun, who really gives a sh*t what you ride, everything isn't a battle. Seems like all these young kids whose mommies and daddies bought them their quads to begin with are the ones that have to be confrontational about everything and can't just accept that everybody is different, has their own riding styles, their own preferences in their machines, etc.
this is for yamarider, why do think a hayabusa and lamborghinie are faster than 2 strokes, first of all the hayabusa is a 1300cc bike, make a 1300cc 2 stroke and just imagine the outcome. the biggest 2 stroke ive heard of is the cr500 and anything bigger would be suicide to ride. same with a car, the wheels wouldnt grab. in fact somwhere on this site, somone machined a 1000cc 2 stroke. hats off to him. my yz 250 will beat anything off the line(off road) not hayabusa's and jet planes obviously
in fact why are laws passed by the epa on two strokes, who can agree with me that there's more diesels than 2 strokes, w/ respect for diesels, whos seen diesels pour black smoke and pollute and everyone continues to make them. its old people that dont like 2 strokes, its not about pollution, my neighbors are old and always complaining about the noise, im sure the epa is ran by old people, no disrespect for old people
yea hoonestly idk why u would mod out a warrior, just move up to a 400, like the ex or ltz, warriors' geormetry really isnt good and they are slow

Why does it matter?

If you want to look at it that way, why would you mod a blaster either? It's not like they're the best thing on the market right now. Are you just saying that everybody should buy a 400, 450, or raptor 700 if they want to go faster?

I for one would rather be different than every other guy on the track or trails. Sure, I could buy a z400 or yfz or something like that, and it would be better than a warrior right out of the box, but here's what you might not understand if you've never had this pleasure before. I for one greatly enjoy the look on the dude's face when you blow past his 400 on "just an old warrior." Over the summer I had one of the neighbors all worked up because he had a brand new ltz450 and couldn't keep up with me in the trails. It's not just what machine you have, it's how you set it up and how you use it for the conditions you're facing.

To me it certainly isn't an issue of money. If I wanted to be like everyone else and buy a new quad I could go to any dealer right now and buy any quad on the floor in cash. I think it's pretty cool when just about everybody that sees my warrior when we go riding or are anywhere else tells me it's the nicest warrior they ever saw.
in fact why are laws passed by the epa on two strokes, who can agree with me that there's more diesels than 2 strokes, w/ respect for diesels, whos seen diesels pour black smoke and pollute and everyone continues to make them. its old people that dont like 2 strokes, my neighbors are old and always complaining about the noise

Trust me, the EPA is cracking down on diesels like nobody's business. If you see a diesel truck pouring out that black smoke, you can bet it's either an old diesel truck, or it's been modified from factory parts and settings. It used to be that just about all the diesel trucks made had 550 hp or more, now it's regulated to the point that you have to jump through hoops, give blow jobs to large men, and cage fight naked just to get a rig with more than 350 horses. The EPA isn't letting anything that burns fuel have it easy. Friggin tree huggin tofu fartin fairies are messing it up for everybody.
Why does it matter?

If you want to look at it that way, why would you mod a blaster either? It's not like they're the best thing on the market right now. Are you just saying that everybody should buy a 400, 450, or raptor 700 if they want to go faster?

I for one would rather be different than every other guy on the track or trails. Sure, I could buy a z400 or yfz or something like that, and it would be better than a warrior right out of the box, but here's what you might not understand if you've never had this pleasure before. I for one greatly enjoy the look on the dude's face when you blow past his 400 on "just an old warrior." Over the summer I had one of the neighbors all worked up because he had a brand new ltz450 and couldn't keep up with me in the trails. It's not just what machine you have, it's how you set it up and how you use it for the conditions you're facing.

To me it certainly isn't an issue of money. If I wanted to be like everyone else and buy a new quad I could go to any dealer right now and buy any quad on the floor in cash. I think it's pretty cool when just about everybody that sees my warrior when we go riding or are anywhere else tells me it's the nicest warrior they ever saw.

yea i guess im not flaming or sh*t, plus ur right im 15 so money is tight, so i cant go all out all the time. the thing is, for the money u put into that warrior, you coulod have had a overall better quad. Ur right, ur origional which is cool and it s always nice to get compliments. the reason that everyone loves blasters is b/c 1000 on a blaster can double the hp, that cant happen on any 4 stroke. Im not one who is single minded and feels taht 2 strokes are the best, cause there not. although it is harder to do a top end on a 4 stroke, you have to do them much less and they are more reliable. so im not flaming you, im jsut wondering why u would spend so much when u could ofhad better for the same
this is for yamarider, why do think a hayabusa and lamborghinie are faster than 2 strokes, first of all the hayabusa is a 1300cc bike, make a 1300cc 2 stroke and just imagine the outcome. the biggest 2 stroke ive heard of is the cr500 and anything bigger would be suicide to ride. same with a car, the wheels wouldnt grab. in fact somwhere on this site, somone machined a 1000cc 2 stroke. hats off to him. my yz 250 will beat anything off the line(off road) not hayabusa's and jet planes obviously

Yeah, I understand that completely, i'm no fool. I'm just trying to make a point to all the 4 stroke haters that they're an idiot to say that 4 strokes suck. I guess if they haven't realized their stupidity by now they never will though.
ok,now i do not have a problem with 4 strokes but i just do not like the 4 stroke riders that think they have a better quad becuz its bigger. but its just 2 strokes are more reliable besides blowing a topend.4 strokes have good torque but a 2 stroke has incredible power!

yes like yamarider its the joy of blowing past someone on just a lil quad

if i hear any more flaming or arguing i will close this thread, please only post opinions!
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