34mm keihin


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
does anyone know if my "vitos tors kit" cable will work with the 34mm keihin i got from tyler, or will i need a new cable to work with it????
i dont wanna tear it apart to install the new carb then have to wait for a new cable to ride, better to have all the pieces of the puzzle on hand
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it should work, one way to tell is take the carb end of the cable, and take the top of the carb off, remove the spring so you can see the clip inside...make sure the cable end slides inside of that clip. also make sure it slides inside the adjustment screw on the top of the carb.....you should be good tho, honestly.....
I don't think it will work. The ball on the carb end of the cable is different on a Keihin from the stock Mikuni. Mine was anyway.
I know on Motion Pro's website, when ordering a twist throttle and cable, you have to specify Mikuni or Keihin.
thanx jf, and all who responded , that is the vito's cable and it does say for both mikuni and keihin, i'll have a look