2001 Blaster Rebuild

York Racing

New Member
Apr 3, 2010
So I'm finally going to get around to tearing into my 2001 Blasty and I got a whole new stock top end thanks to austins'89 on here. I am tearing into it tonight and will be posting pics of the carnage. From what I can tell the rings and piston are competely done. I looked through the exhaust port and the cylinder has major scores and the bottom ring is missing almost completely. When I hooked up a compression tester I got a reading of a whopping 0PSI. I picked this Blasty up last year from a friend who just wanted it gone and agreed to a $100 offer. He says the head gasket went bad and then it "just quit". So we will see......
Well bad news....No pictures but I really got excited when I tore into this engine. I pulled the head and everything looked good. Rolled it over and the cylinder looked fine and the top of the piston seemed like it was perfect. So I drained the oil, pulled the engine and brought it into the kitchen to work on the counter. lol I took the reeds out and just about crapped myself when I saw what looked like a knifed intake bridge and then I realized, holy crap, it's PORTED! Whooooo! So I started really tearing into it an something didn't seem right.....There seemed to be a slight catch when I rolled it over. So I pulled the jug and took one look at the piston and knew right away that the whole top end is junk. The piston had such deep tears into the side of it that it must have caught on the exhaust port at full speed because the port is torn up along with the piston. As I looked closer I realized that there was a MASSIVE crack sticking out of the cylinder wall by the intake port. The intake is ported but the exhaust was left alone so I'm not too upset about the jug being junk. The piston also looked much different than stock. Almost like a Vito's design but slightly different. It would also not fit in the extra stock bore cylinder that I have so it must have been oversized. The rod also had some slight play up and down in the top needle bearing where it connects to the piston. So it looks like I will need a whole new kit. And the rod says "Vesrah". I thought that they only made brakes and gaskets? Would the crank be aftermarket?
Vesrah has made rods for a long time.
It could be a stock rebuilt crank with a vesrah rod.

i could probably identify the piston if you posted a pic of it.
The problem is that I don't have a new set of batteries for my camera and it died. It looks like a Vitos Forged but it doesn't have the slots on the side with the cross hatch marks where the pin goes through. If you know what I mean. lol
well the color depends on if it's coated or not.

like wsm and namura uses a moly coating which make them a grayish black color.
it's probably just a wiseco "high compression" piston with a slant going towards the exhaust port to change the port timing.