2001 Blaster Rear Brake Assembly


New Member
Sep 20, 2016

Recently bought a 2001 blaster at a swap meet. Just got it running again after sitting for 8 months. Anyway.. The whole rear brake assembly was missing when I got it. Looks like it was a cable set up by the remains of the cut cable on the foot pedal. I tried looking on ebay but there are multiple different calipers. I have no idea which one came on the 2001 model. Most of them are 2003+.. If anyone has a link to the right caliper it would be much appreciated. All im Left with is the rotor and a cut cable...
I too would like to know because I have a 2002 without any rear brakes all that was left was the disc, pads, and housing. I got a new rear brake cable and will probably re use the pads but I need just about everything to make it work.