2000 Yamaha Banshee Tear Down and Rebuild

guys he is gunna do what he wants, all that matters is what he likes, i think it will look sick, not everyone can have the same looking shee, yours will definately be different, and i loled at the spousalforum comment hahaha
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i wasn't telling him to change the looks of his quad, that is all him, i was letting him know that the 2-1 pipe he wants isn't really a good pipe. friend had it on his and it did suck.
i run the 2-1 carb, i love it, know many people that low it.
blastard i have heard good things about the 2 to 1 carbs and the pipes idk bout dynoports but the dmc 916's sound sweet! and they are still 2 pipes i guess but the single outlet looks sweet too. do what you want man its your quad. just cause someone else doesn't like dynoports doesn't mean you won't. same with the raptor plastics. do what you want and if you like it then good. thats all that matters
I was planning on selling the stock plastics to help pay for the conversion plastics when I start getting things apart I will put them on the marketplace
right now it has works dual rates I'm gonna ditch those for 450r shocks
also gonna sell the fmf's and silencers and carbs for the dynoport and single carb setup well to help pay for them
450r shocks, as in honda?
or do you mean yfz450 shocks?
if you are doing the front yfz450 shocks, you need to convert the whole front end, a-arms, tie rods, sprindles and hubs to make it ride good. just putting the yfz450 shocks onto stock a-arms will not work, your ball joints will be down for real quick.
Anything else ? Which side should I get on the shee? Climb on the left or right? This is gettin rediculous I'm 1 post away from having freek close this thread and then I'll just pm interested parties with updates
can't wait to see the build

don't feed the troll, i do think deep down he wants to help but just can't do it without being a dick about it. however at teh end of the day its your quad, do what YOU want to do.
Those 660 style plastics are HOMO they make me want to murder a kitten.
Please have some self respect and don't put them on!!!
Also a +6 swinger is HUGE! the stockers too long as it is. If you wanna go longer at least do a +2 or 3. and dyno ports suck for power! They sound freaking badass but for a duner like you, you will be really disappointed. And stay with dual carbs, get some 30's for that.
But whatever do what makes you happy. And don't listen to anyone whos trying to save you money in the long run, do it and find out for yourself.....
Agreed.... 660 plastics are gay, lol J/K dude. Dont take constructive criticism so hard. sheeblast actually knows alot about banshees and being gay but he does know alot about banshees.
I shall ignore the naysayers and enjoy my build

its gunna be a sick build regardless, and some of those naysayers are just voicing their opinion, i know i am looking for opinions in my build thread. there are good and bad ways to voice your opinion, and we are sweeing both in this thread, and as for shee i think matt said it good, he does seem to know his sh*t, but just has a different way of conveying information.

just my .02, now get some more pics of that beast on this thread!!!!! lol
I got started on the Banshee today , stripped down quite a bit , still have to get it to the bare bones and do some rust bustin . Heres some Pics .






Ok thats it for now , More to follow , The frame will be getting a coat of flat black , and the +6 Swinger will be Black Powdercoat from the Swingarm Shop.
I got mine for cheap especially with the motor work that was done , super happy with the 2000.00 price and it keeps pace with my bros ktm 525 he's got me on top speed but I smoke him on the holeshots