1990 Blaster Wont Start.

For a compression test, buy a compression tester (any car parts store) they have adapters that you screw into your spark plug hole and kick it a few good times and it should be over 120psi. as long as you are specific with your problems on this site, and do your research, you will get it running. I bought a blaster a month or so ago, and knew nothing about even riding a 2 stroke, and these gentlemen helped me get it running in 2 days. Depending what you want to spend on it, you could literally rebuild the to end, replace the reeds, rebuild the carb, and replace the ignition system for less than $350.
Oh, also, if i'm not mistaken, the tors (throttle override system) is designed to shut the bike down when the throttle is stuck. That could explain it not wanting to start. could be something to check. I'd recommend removing it as well. Theres a thread on here, and a video on youtube that shows you how.
Yeah I think the tors system might have something to do with it. The previous owner had 2 wires connected together under the seat that i think ran to the tors. Also im thinking the ignition coil might be bad. Its rusty and the plug holder has rust in it and I think that is why the spark isnt very good.
Mine wouldn't start at all, even pop starting, it wouldn't even try. I disconnected the tors, and swapped out the reeds, cleaned all my electronic connections, cleaned the carb, and put a hotter spark plug in. mixed up 93 octane gas 32:1 with yamalube 2 stroke oil, gave it 2 kicks, and it fired right up. Now I just have to figure out why, after 15 minutes, it loses power and dies :/
Mine wouldn't start at all, even pop starting, it wouldn't even try. I disconnected the tors, and swapped out the reeds, cleaned all my electronic connections, cleaned the carb, and put a hotter spark plug in. mixed up 93 octane gas 32:1 with yamalube 2 stroke oil, gave it 2 kicks, and it fired right up. Now I just have to figure out why, after 15 minutes, it loses power and dies :/

Ok wow, yeah I think im gonna get a new coil first and see if that does anything.
I'd start with the tors. If the tors is malfunctioning (very possible), you could try 100 coils and they won't work. The tors will completely shut down your entire ignition system.
So what have you done in the last month 8-|? Have you read any of the trouble shooting guides on here? Downloaded a manual or bought a Clymers? Read anyother threads on start issues?

BTW, I highly suggest NOT using a hotter plug X(