1987 Honda TRX250X Restore Project!

looks clean but did u even sad it i see you did to the exhaust , just wondering caz it took be forever to sand just ended up getting it blasted if thts wht u did?anywats nice lookin 250 =]
well its all back together except the ugly destroyed body which i will do this weekend and parts coming tuesday, thanks for the rep ptblasterfreek =D. and i wirewheeled all paint off everything i painted for who asked that, and keeping it, sort of a fathers day present for my dad so he can ride it again, hes to busy to do something like this ;]. Thanks for the comments!
DONE! Except I ordered the wrong airfilter spark plug and sprocket kit >.<, got ones for a 250r not a 250x! Might try sanding the rear fenders because they dont look too good =/, and duct tape seat back together. Well here it is, comments please!




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you've gone so far dont make it look like sh*t now cut the goofy lookin ears off the quad (front fenders) and you could round of the rears maybe too as for the seat....walmart fabric section if u wanna go cheap find a water resistant material and staple tht sucker on there!