1969 175 Help


New Member
Aug 9, 2008
Toledo, OH
So my neighbor has a '69 175 Enduro that was his dad's, and since his dad passed away a few years ago, it's pretty sentimental to him now. Here's the deal:
It hadn't run in 10-15 years. He got it kicked over and fired up, it ran for an hour or so. He rode it around the neighborhood, and then it stalled. He walked it home and asked me to look at it. It wouldn't even kick over. I was too busy at the time to really take it apart to diagnose it for him, so he took it to a shop that told him it would be between $700 and $1700 to fix. Needless to say, he's not looking forward to spending that much.
What do any of you think happened? My theory is that the oil injection wasn't working and he seized the piston in the bore. Would a simple top end rebuild and overbore to clean it up fix it? I just can't see how that shop thinks it'll take so much to resurrect it. I could do the work for him and the parts are between $20 and $120 depending on the bore damage. Plus machine work, it wouldn't cost much at all. Right?
Or am I missing something big?
I'll pull the jug off in a few days when he brings it home from the shop he took it to. It sure felt like it was a stuck piston. It would move (VERY reluctantly) when I kicked at it, but there was definitely something binding. My guess is that if it were in the trans, it would either move or not move. I don't know what could let loose within the gearbox that would produce that kind of drag, you know?

Anyone, feel free to give your advice. I'll keep you all posted as I learn more.
Top end seizer and bearing failure are the 2 only things I can think of as stated earlier. Either way $700-1700 sound expensive unless they are already planing on splitting the cases. With them splitting the cases most of that dough will be in labor. I have a Yamaha 175 and re-built it top to bottom- there's no surprises in that motor. I've found the old motors are actually easier to work on.
The CT is only because it a dual sport street legal machine. Most of the CT's motor parts are identical to the off road 175's.





My MX175