like 4 cfed said valves and just hope no one has ever tryed to djust them that doesnt know what they were doing my friends got one at his shop right now that some guy tryed doing a valve job on and the valves were bent almost 90deg. good luck man
like 4 cfed said valves and just hope no one has ever tryed to djust them that doesnt know what they were doing my friends got one at his shop right now that some guy tryed doing a valve job on and the valves were bent almost 90deg. good luck man
yea everything around me goes for alot of money banshee,yfz 3-6 easy at least 2800 no matter what, just for some reson the 450 dirtbikes go for 1800-2500 hear and even 250f's are more money hear for some reson at like 3-4. would anyone no why the 450f's are cheaper around hear then the 250f's