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  • i won't complain if you do.. haha you'll really be hooked when i get the new sections up and running.. been a couple months in the making but you'll like what you see..
    the main page is screwed up.. usually happens around this tiem of year.. you should ahve gotten an email abouit it.. but anyway use this addy

    powersportjunkies.com - Powered by vBulletin
    over the last 5 years or so i've probably owned 15 or 20 shees.. haha some i keep some i sell... certian ones i always keep... and yeah i've got 2 tecate 4's, trx250R atc 250R and a tri-z also.. rockstar has an 89 lt250R as well.. we''ve got everythign but a zilla here.. but i've had those in the past too..
    well there is alot of shees around our houses... we live next door to one another also.. i think between us we have liek 11 or 12 shees in different stages of completion. haha
    Well everyone here thinks i am an ahole, but everything i have said i have backed up with sold facts, so i think that is why some people hate me lol
    Well me blasterfreek dont really get along, but besides that i havent done anything to get banned
    thats at the sand pits where i trailer up to most weekends in the summer. it like 10000 acres of trails sand pits and crazy ass hillclimbs
    I know right, I wasnt saying anything racist or anything. I just said what needed to be said. But if they dont agree then that is ok with me
    Yea, idk what the deal is. For some reason everyone is against me..... But, I have a feeling that things are going to change, but thats just me.
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