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  • we have a truck and trailer but we are getting another truck this year and a bigger trailer....so for winter and spring i might be riding on the street
    porting, engine assembly both top and bottom, i have to send the combustion chamber work out but i can get that done for ya too..
    sometimes we a ride at a place called the airport, atco nj,beach st in philly...but we looking for moreplaces to ride because after christmas we might go to lost trails
    i only see him twice a week the days we go riding and the days before we go riding.. but he's annoying wen his bikes get broke
    im doing a trade on the xr 100 with the xr 80 my brother wants the 80 and i want the 100 so i think he might get the 80 so i can have the 100
    i have a baja 150 extreme the e-ton 90 again blaster xr 80 xr 100 a go kart trx 250ex thats all in 2 garages lol
    My blasty is sitting in the garage crying my trx is very shiny with wax all over it and waiting for her new ss rims and artrax tires on her
    if you look at the review people say its hard to do on 2 strokes but it may not be if you know what yu doing ill have someone put mine in for me
    they are only 20 for blasters and trx's lol im getting 1 but its very hard to put on tyler
    thats going to be sick but tyler only things i really want for my bike is ss rims and tires pipe and front bumper and a tehter kill switch
    id have to ask my dad the website but i just got confimed on getting ss rims and tires for xmas dnt tell noone till i get pics of dem on
    it was 2600 all together tyler ask any question about the bike i really got a deal on this no one else will get ...some people only get 500.00 off i got 1,300 off i got a steal
    the 1 gear is hard wen yu shift to first it come right up and my trx is very fast when the tires are hooking and warm
    yea wheelies tyler but them damn tires are not safe when your turning cas i was doing a donout in dirt and the bike went right on two wheels
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