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  • he got it yesterday my dad just went without us and got it ......but so far i know it got nerfs a pipe i have to see what else it got....... my brother is only 15 with a 660 lol this thing got to be fast we are taking it out saturday
    yeah i was surprised when i looked thru your freinds list......no "awk" in there?????
    i thought we already were too, i'll bet yb has sumthin to do with this, hahahaaaaa
    yo, just checked out the pics of that carb, that sombitch is clean and sweeeet, hurry up and get that in the mail to me, cant wait to give that a try!!!!!!
    you d man
    yo, what happened to ya last nite????
    as soon as i transfered the loot, you disappeared on me????
    holler at me
    hey man ill take that airbox pm me back i tried pming u but ur box is full..... i deff like it and want it so let me know if no one is taking it
    45's cool with me, sending now, check in about 15 minutes and lemme know when ya get it
    alright just let me know when you can send money and i will let you know my paypal. just to keep things clear... they are for an 03+ and have One small scuff on the bottom side of one and that is the ONLY damage to them whatsoever.
    it does to me lol i cant wait to the blasty is fix ill put the trx up and ride the blasty get it ported after i get me a pipe nd jets on my trx
    he said its somthing simple but we are riding sunday so i mite just give it to him that day and let him fix it
    doesnt have any compression im guessing it was put on wrong lol he'll fix it he have a nice 10 grand in his yfz ..i rode it too yfz's are quick
    im getting my blasty fix saturday im riding with guys that rides at my local tracks and mechanic from yamaha woo hoo aj scored big time lol he'll check it out nd see what parts i need to fix it or nuffing might no be wrong
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