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  • No handling differenes, but they feel much tighter now and they are very beefy. I feel safe with them. haha
    tyler she doing good tyler im taking both out to c how they run nxt to each other..... my blaster is faster doe i think
    you know what else sucks.......i split my friggin lip open in basketball practice, bled like a sum-gun for a minute there.
    nah, i can't ill the weekend, cause my dad works late and i have b-ball preactice every night till six, and tommorrow i will have b-ball and have to work at the school afterwerd, not fun, but i will tell you after i install it and get some ride time.
    ok thats ok about the carb. i still need the snorkal if u wanna send it my way ill give u my addy
    hey ty you still have that carb for sale an if so how much an anything wrong with it at all
    ok goto user cp then edit details on the left side. then under that like a a couple things down the page it say what it is now an then itll have a white box to type in what you want it to say then scroll all the wya down the page an hit update
    yeah thats what i like about them...so many diff accessory parts...and they are easy to change...which is good cuz mr does make me do work and learn but im cool with that. did u see what the blaster looked like before?? It has an fmf on it but i like the LRD
    def pc'ing alot of things like my frame and i have new a arms to put on...new rims n tires...we just put a new motor in it and maybe a diff exhaust..idk everything yet just been seeing everyones stuff and gettin new ideas...what would ur suggestions be?
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