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  • yeah ahah damn my friend just got so pissed at his 300ex cuz it wouldnt start so he kicked the sh*t out of it and every piece of plastic on it has a crack lol
    man!!! thats alot of snow, haha, that must have been fun to be stuck at a friends for 3 days!!, u should post some pics on here, if u can open ur dorr!!! haha lol
    yo u want some stickers...there fly racing, uni and some other other ones i dont want them. jw if ya wanted some. could send them to you
    holy heck!!!! that is scary, i would so be stockpiling supplies, incase i get snowed it, haha, i'd have some sick plowing to do with the tractor at my house, haha
    tham shocks is pretty, haha, i got adopted ...on the forum so say, i'm supporting now, yeah!!!!
    yea we got about 10 inches and another inch of ice yesterday and yep i heard 30 inches this weekend......not sure how true those are yet but we'll see
    actually no, i would but my computer doesn't have fast enough internet to even run that site, once i get satellite internet, whick will be in like a year knowing my parenst, i will have a myspace and facebook
    man, tha sucks dude, i don't have much snow right now, not yet, hope u get better soon.
    umm get a pic of the first one then ill tell u...uh the big wheel just is higher off the ground (i think, google it) and not much different.
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