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  • yeah my dad told me all that. But I dont have my license I have my permit and I drove a crown vic here. the one I posted in the pics/vids section a long time ago
    well we dont really have them problems where I live. We got a lot of snakes and stuff but they dont bother us. Only in the summer but like now their not out that much. But dude I drove from my house to SC and it sucked I was going around 80 on hw17 and I kept hitting a sh*t load of snow it was kinda scary i almost wrecked lol the bridges are just slipper as hell. We dont have snow plows or salt or any of tht sh*t.
    nah man it all melted...lol theres a few piles here and there but just enough for a couple snow balls. it will be gone by the time I get there tomorrow
    Well nah Im in South Carolina right now so I cant ride. But no my CR is running fine just happen to be out of town when it snows. lol. but we got about 5-6 inches...thats A LOT for the coast of NC. But SC got like 4-5 inches also so Im not missing anything.
    Hopefully he takes that. Btw, that blaster I showed you the other day, well the guy sold it :(. So Im still lookin' I guess. A friend also offered me a 1993 KX 125 needs a wrist pin bearing. He is asking 350 but I don't want a dirtbike..I want my old blaster back :(
    i have a 5 ft drift in the feild by my house, the roads here have about 2 inches of ice, kinda crappy, the speeds on the road are 5-2 mph!!!!
    thats in really good condition and I think 900 is a legit price. Try 800 or 850. But I don't think he will go any lower seeing of how good of condition that is in.
    i hope i get no school tomorrow too, my school's site say's its still closed, the snow we got today is drifting tonight so hopfully we won't have school!!
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