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  • yeah thats what its called I forgot lol. But I used to live in the richmond area along time ago and I hated snow but I miss it now cuz we NEVER get snow here lol like once every couple years. We do however get a good 6-8 inches every 10 or so years. (thats alot for us) lol
    ahahahhaha thats funny. but dude I got a friend that lives up in vanassas ? virginia and they got a sh*t load of snow. he sent me some pics.
    i am glad i don't have to shovel my roof, i'd be draggin the snowblower up there and doin it in style, haha
    Drew brees is ight. Lol, but I just got my tire and tube for my dirtbike and im ordering a front and rear sprocket, chain and a water pump and maybe some sh*t for looks i wanna get rid if this thing and get a blaster.
    lucky sum gun, i am hoping sooooo bad for a snow day, u guys are gonna have snow day make ups like alll the way till the end of summer, haha lol
    so man, did u evr get those pics up? if so where r they, u know, the ones with the snow, i am getting a snow system here and they say its gonna hit u guys and give uy like 20 in. more, u hear ny thing about that?
    haha his is a piece of sh*t lol

    damn dude im at my girlfriends house and her internet is slow as sh*t so i cant connect to like any site im surprised i connected to this site......you watchin the super bowl???
    man, that must have sucked bein stuck with people who don't like u for 3 days, haha
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