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  • maybe you should order up a set of those 10 dollar rims for me use em at busco then sell em to me after for cheap.......j/k
    yeah thats the one ive been seein everytime i look, if i get a gusset kit thats what i wanna do . gotta gusset the engine mounts
    heres the link to that stuff, has a day left hopefully you see it
    Tarantula TPR Chassis Frame Gusset Kit YFS 200 Blaster: eBay Motors (item 330429999960 end time Jun-02-10 06:59:30 PDT)
    lol i hear ya man but i got the motherly version of that list! And we got 1 ton dumpster in the yard so i got extra stuff to do! lol. oooooo sounds like fun when everythings done i expect no less than 30 pix hahah. And i MAY have some bad news, we (dad and i) got invited to go up to the northern tip of Maine for two weeks in july, but im not exactly sure when ill have to ask dad when so keep your fingers crossed!
    lol i am indeed! Got back yesterday from my camp... man things have changed. Got some decent vids tho ill put them up. What about you man? what you got going over there, anything i should know about?? lol peace
    sweet ill ome get it monday after sue gets out of work or tuesday . yeah just getting some last minute laundry and food stuff together. good luck with the grass bud.
    hey also i sent those screws out today, you should get them by the weekend. i sent the airscrew and the bowl drain screw
    conservation mix grass seed with or w/o clover mix grows like theres no tomorow. that was one of my main jobs when i did excavation. "go make the grass grow boy!" heard that a time or 2 million.
    i would've helped you out with that topsoil bud. the clutch side cover was the one you wanted right? cause i just sold the stator cover for 25 bones. and a few other odds and ends. almost got enough for my ticket now.
    yeah i dont know how he changed it(kennedy i mean( but i think he was admin or mod or something but supernoober i think said something and the it said something about holeshotman being a dick, then at the bottom of the post it says last edited by kennedy_power. then noober speaks up and timsyfz came in and did something. i wanna know what happened to kennedy now
    did you get wind of what happened this morning with kennedy?? im not sure of the outcome of it yet but he changed somebodys post to make them look lik a dick and then the couple of posts were removed
    yeah keep replying to myself,haha, if you need help moving that boat i'd be happy to lend a hand. and when you get that topsoil ill help you with that too.
    im leaving friday morning, maybe i could swing down that way someday this week. or we could do it the weekend after. i wont be riding till after i get the carb thing straightened out and get something for rollers to keep the chain together. if you want those plastic this week i can bring em down for you no prob.
    yeah when we get together for the carb , if you bring it up that would be sweet, i have some extra levers around here and a thumb throttle with a half busted cable.
    hey whats the deal with that minibike? what's it need to run? i wanna try and get it going for the boys b-day in august. as long as you were serious about it that is.
    yes, i had this carb on my bike with the same cable my 34mm uses, (motion pro tors eliminator cable), for a few minutes just to see where it put me, it seemed very rich, and i wasnt going to buy more jets after all the larger ones i've bought for my 34mm
    it's in a box and getting ship in the morn
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