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  • yeah when i get some extra loot ill call him. the frame im using right now will be stripped by the end of the weekend. if you wanna use it let me know. but you gotta let me help you with that drag project, sounds badass
    sweet! thanks m8, thats good to know! ill have to find a night that im not working so i dont end up getting there @ like 10 lol peace m8
    Yea that price is about the same for me, hehehe, but i stripped it down for him. I do like that idea, if i can find the time! lol aint blasterboy selling a gusset kit? peace m8
    i think tomorow night i will start the teardown to get ready for the frame swap. do you know of a good deal on a stroker crank? with all the seals and bearings and stuff like the kit from woodward specialties? if i play my cards right i might have a +4 stroker snuck into my bike before busco.......
    at 13 mpg it came out to like 160 bucks at 3 a gallon . you had me all worried when we were talking before about 200+ per person. but now that i am doing some extra work for this guy i will not have any trouble having the money in time. also i still have a roof job to get done so i will probably use the money form that and have a lil left for some bottom end rbuilding
    yeah i was talking to my bud whos got a similar v8 dakota and he gets around 15 with a car trailer and a acura on it. so i figure 13 mpg's will be for when were hammering up the hills but when we get south of virginia it gets flatter so we should be able to cruise. as long as we can find a semi to follow well get pretty good mileage
    A local part out maaaad cheap. its an 03 and in really good shape. I would gusset it myself if i had a welder but i dont so idk i may have a shop do it. And no not pc, spray bomb gunmetal. Sooooo it will be funnnnn!
    man i am diggin this supporting status. no more ads in my way to accidentally click on . what kinds of perks are there besides no ads???
    hey buid looks like im a supporter. thanks a ton bud, i will probably just drive donw to you this week to give you the money, just found out the guy i have been working for is gonna need me all week so hopefully he uses me for awhile so i can save up the loot for busco. if he says im full time for at least a month im gonna order a bottom end rebuild kit from woodward specialties for 170 bucks and bring it down there to see you and your case splitting machines
    yeah im not sure where the hospital is in relation to kelly square, if its not too far out for ya you could stop by but i can also just mail it and you'd get it in a day or two.
    also i have been looking for some plastic for ya and the best i could find was this...Blaster Gas Tank Cover / Cosmetic - Mods3.com but its pricey
    yeah , maybe, what time do you work till? i am working near kelly square in worcester and i wouldnt be able to drop it off till the afternoon. prolly be easier to mail it to ya.
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