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  • sweet thanks bud, when you ask him tell him im running a 320 main right now in the stocker. appreciate what your doing for me man, alot.
    yeah if she finds out im puttin a new carb on she'll put me on lockdown. when i go to jet this thing will i be able to just figure out the equivalent to what i have now or will it all change again?
    how come it doesnt workk with a stock cable? i know i need one anyways but just curious. also wanted to tell you i have 2 clutch cables in the pile of parts
    all i had for internals was the piston i gave you last time. had a piston bearing but cant find it now. i have the side covers, kicker, starter , all electrical minus stator , shift lever. maybe more that i cant remmber off hand
    hey bud i see you bought that carb i was looking at. maybe a little trade off for some stuff i got??? as long as i can use the choke without burning my hand off.
    im trying man im trying! Wow thats right you haven't entered have you? youd be a shoe in m8. Oh yea i finally got around to throwing in that 50 pilot jet and when i got the old one i read the #'s and its 62! soooo hmmmm, with the 50 there is no change in the way it acts.
    seems like every time i enter there is 10+ lol oh well. yea man that sounds good. Ill kep ya posted for a good day!
    thanks man! the competition is pretty stiff, i appreciate it! and i tend to work weekend nights @4 or if i get the morning ill be out by 2
    i got him until i hit 4th and he hits third then he gets about two lengths on me. yea i do man :/ i get a Monday or a Friday off, this week i had today off
    yea hes gonna break somthing sometime lol oh well i hope im there to see it! yea man you gotta! i can quite get him but maybe you can! lol
    lol he thinks he king sh*t... it was a 660 but he blew it up, slapped a 686 bb kit on it and bla bla with no suspension mods! thats th fourth time he's rolled it. i just wish i was looking up when it happend, id dint even see it until i found out i had it on video! lol
    yo man if you didnt see the second to last vid in my go pro thread you should check it out its that lil kid and his craptor
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