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  • dude i had a blast this evening, we started a bonfire in our driveway, had everyone with atv's come ride on our roads, tied up sleds to the atv's, and when all the adults went inside i took like 6 girls at a time for sled rides with the rubicon... tonight was soooooo much fun!!!! i love snow
    yeah it would be awesome!!!! keep lookin on CL man you'll find one.... i searched for a few months and got my blaster, 20hrs, skid plates, 2 full gas cans, and 2 helmets for $1600
    I got home from florida and what do ya know? My dad is cruising up and down our road! I was so happy... now i need a dirtbike lol...... but tonight i was plowing the redneck way! I got a piece of plywood and tied it to the front of my honda and it worked great! I got my whole driveway done.....
    hahaha man with hugeass tractors and bobcats our dirtroad almost didn't get plowed.... oh and a ups truck got stuck today and caught on fire from over heating! Now that was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuny
    nice!! But dude, a friend of my dad's airplane hanger colapssed with $300,000,000 worth of airplanes in it crushing them all.... when my dads friend went to look he fainted and had to be rushed to the hospital ..... its so sad now that he can't pay back that much money.... they weren't all his planes but a majority of them were..... 20 more inches tonight, this is killing me..... i fell off our roof today shoveling it off lol.. just a ?? for ya.... why do you want to get rid of your cr when it has more power than a blaster????
    hahaha does he have anger management?????? lol i broke my honda once too, i was really mad after getting stuck in the mud so when i finally got out i pressure washed it.... i was mad so i sprayed water down the exhaust and what do ya know??? ITS BROKEN!!!!!!!! that wasn't very smart of me
    Dude if you dont mind i'll take the Uni one.. if not its fine! I really appreciate offers like that.. lmk if when you get your blaster you need anything.... and guess how much snow we have? 36 inches.....
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