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  • sh*t!!!!!!! the damn lady that was selling that bike just e-mailed me back saying i cant come pick up the dirtbike! it pisses me off because i was about to head up there in like 5 minutes! she clearely doesn't want to sell the bike... she said she wants her son with her to help get it started and everything but hes at work.... she just lost my business..... see i just hate these kind of people... one minute come on up! the next oh no sorry maybe tomorow..... i'm not goin tomorrow.. i'm not goin ever! i'll find a better and nicer one
    hey man today was my moms b-day so i didn't have time.... my dad promises on saturday or sunday..... it was kinda a disapointment! it dont bother me though not much longer
    Engine specs
    After market race head
    bored .040 over
    weisco race dome piston
    ported and polished
    +3mm crank kit
    crutch kit
    +4 degree timing key
    boeyeson reads
    1/2" read spacer
    removed air lid
    twin air airfilter
    full fmf exhaust
    oil block off kit
    runs 32:1 with klotz r-50 oil and 110 octane feul
    thanks man i'm not completely sure that i'm getting it tomorrow but definetely by Sunday.... i guess i should run 40:1 or 32:1 either one what do u think? and one more question, what is the difference with the "expert" models from all other? thanks reps for u
    i'm going to get that CR tomorrow.... my dad is comin home from work early tomorrow so it will be a good time to look.... i cant wait! oh oh and btw what is the stock jet size for the 80 and what oil to gas ratio are u runnin? thanks if u know???? one more ???? what rear tire size? thanks and i feel sorry for u lol dads can ruin things
    thanks man i hope it checks out good and everything..... my dad thinks just because its a 98 that it will have problems.... wait wait not this weekend next weekend.... i dont even know if i'm gonna get this one though, there is also an 02 that needs a tube in the tire... can u ride it without the tube? << thats a dumb question but could i? heres the link :2002 cr80 expert nice bike
    whooohoooooo i just scored myself a cr 80 for $650.... were going to go look at it this weekend Honda CR 80 (Expert) 1998 hahahah whoohooo!! do u think its worth it?
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