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  • not much just gettin into trouble :p ..... i just went to a school dance and chucked a snow ball at my principle :) lol i hit her shoulder and i ran for my life!!!!!!!!
    i'm pissed because my baseball tryouts were terrible!!! of course they picked me to be first to try out so i had no frigggggin idea what the hell i was doing....
    Yeah but straight a's to that... It's horrible... I'm skiing this weekend so i wont be on much... Hotel doesn't have internet
    that sucks about your chain! BUt this sucks too, you know how i've been searchin for a dirtbike.... well yesterday our report cards came home, and lets just say it wasn't very good.... going from straight A's to 1 A, 4 B's and 2 C's isn't too good.... now my parents say for lettin my grades slip i can't get a dirtbike until next semester
    yeah but like i said earlier, he isn't responding to any of my e-mails...... i'd just like to see if its just my computer..... like have someone else send him an e-mail and see if he actually gets it.....
    2003 Cr85
    is that a good deal???

    dude i can't find that add anymoreX(X(X( but it does not say, this add has been deleted by its author when i click on that link i shared with you... i send him 2 e-mails and haven't heard back from him... you'de think that if your trying to sell somethin on Cl you would check your e mails every day.... i sure would
    yeah man i hate that 24 hr thing but thanks anyways!!!! the forum is runnin horribly right now.... not that has to do with the 24 hr thing
    would you mind mounting my tire for me???? I'd pay the shipping.... we know people lol thats why we get like $12 overnight
    your lucky man!!!! all my friends have everything but a tire mounting machine...... it sucks..... but hey, my blaster is runnin great!!!!!!!!that always makes me happy
    the stealership charges soooooo much to mount them...... and none of our friends know how to mount them so we have to pay $25 a tire to get em mounted.... it sucks dicks... i'm gonna go ride my blaster peace lol
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