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  • yes, very bad.... we stocked up on all food, and water ice, batteries flashlights, i barrcaded our garage with sand bags, etc.... we r now in a state of emergency and expected power loss for a couple of weeks. no school tomorrow I:I or maybe tuesday, and everyone in lower jersey is already evactuated. we got a recomdation to evactuate. fun fun. on the plus side, i got the blaster ready intime to check out the damage after the storm lol
    im starting to work a LOT more hrs now, so let the saving begin. i have like 200 in bank already, and still trying to sell stuff.. and still have to sell the blaster. so basically if i sell the blaster for 1.8k and have 200 in bank, thats 2k, plus the mmoney from work, and that should be enough for truck. then onto quad again.
    i still have to put up flyers for small engine repair business especially now before the winter. so i might up the price on that to $60 per motor. hopefully by a few months, i should have a quad n truck :D
    just not getting hopes up, cause my plans tend to fail all the time. but well see.
    LOL nice!!! im still so depressed that i cant ride :(
    but hopefully i can/will soon. maybe a few years.
    Coul not resist, it really was only getting off the side and blasting around 3 pegs and shooting through the finish gate. Mainly just turning left at full lock and power sliding all the way except for a few yards at the start and finish.
    Not yet but lookin at a couple.


    Sidewinder Buggy | eBay
    new gaskets are in leak test is a positive....put the 310 in and retarded the timing back to +2 runs fine now thanks for your help man
    I understand that is is beyond your control, I was wondering about the protocol.

    It seems strange that it took 2 days for the chevron to appear then 8 hours after the status went back to non member.

    Cbaber was dealing with it and I have reminded him a number of times, the last thing I want to do is get up his nose, so I will just bide my time before I complain.
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