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  • it says that ive payed it, and it will expire in 2013 so its there. y im not green, idk i think awk said it takes like 24hrs?
    idk but something tells me they dont like me.... it shows up in thr subscriptions, but thats it. also says it expires in 2013 so it dosent make sense.....
    hey when u get a chance, take a look in my race thread. as of now, thats how things r going, and most likly wont change. so just lmk wht u want to do and such. i wont know for deffinate until everything gets settled.
    thanks! ohh and btw, when u respond to a visitor message, u have to go on the persons profile. otherwise they dont know you responded, cause theres no notifications. js.
    If it is a recoil rope starter, the freewheeling system has been known to squeal like a stuck pig for a few seconds on starting.

    I had one vertical Briggs that squealed its head off, it turned out to be the upper crank bearing, wore out the case.

    I would go for the recoil starter.
    hey quick question.
    i had someone call me about a small engine that was squealing really bad.
    he said that he had a really important job and needed it to run no matter wht, so i tol d him to just tke it easy, then bring it to me. and ill take a look at it.
    its a honda motor, and he said that when it starts and runs it makes a really loud and annoying squeal. and thats all i got out of him.

    wht do u think it could be? i looked up on the internet, and found that it could be the starter. but i think it might be a crank bearing. wht do u think?
    No sweat, it is only money, and it has gone to a good cause, I would rather my cash go to supporting a forum like this one, than pouring it down my throat.

    There are a couple of young ones on BF that I have supported.
    Jest getting home from vacation. Gonna break in the motor tomorrow, and get everything a movin. Everything is rdy to go, just waiting for a day I'm doing nothing, so I can do it right and not rush hoping tomorrow that day. But other than that,all is good! Everything rdy to go!
    yea i just saw lol. my point..... :P I:I haha tho that flaming paper dash one sounds like a load of crap. js :o
    Who me!

    Have you ever heard of Ferret Legging or the Flaming paper dash.

    A couple of games I played in my youth.
    Pretend away kind sir, and that is bobbing, not bogging, like stuffing them up the other end. EEEkkk
    uhhh i dont know how to respond to that, so ima just post this pic of a person bogging for apples and pretend that is wht u meant.....
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