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  • The part where he said I'm a trouble maker where ever I go and don't post in my thread is the same as Bruce has said many time in chat rooms on other forums.
    On the advice of the person that cut my head I returned my timing to stock.

    I was just curious if you noticed any detonation, but at 80 psi there would be no concern.
    No not yet, i use 91 octane, and the top end Im currently running is past due for a rebuild, its only producing maybe 75-80 psi, I think that's not enough pressure to detonate. I'm not sure if I'm gonna run a timing advance when I rebulid it though, the risk probably outweighs the rewards lol. Have you heared of someone running into detonation with the rechambered head and timing advance combo?
    I have already started the fabrication, have a look at the thread and please advise me where I may be going wrong.
    I sure can. I will send you some tomorrow. Sorry I didn't see the message sooner. Have not been on in a week+
    sometimes it doesn't happen automatically, you have to do it manually.
    go to "user cp" then "group memberships" in the left column,
    highlight the "Identify me as a member of this group" button beside the "forum supporter" box,
    then click "update display group" at the bottom.

    that'll get ya back to green :)
    Hey since you know just bout everything to know bout blasters, I was just wondering what your output is on a warrior, looking for something bigger for winter And mate gettin rid of my blaster to make a little profit on it
    Do not be dazzled by the gold, buy a sprocket and chain combination, do not cheap out.
    hows this look for a chain 520 120 1988 1989 Yamaha YFS200 Blaster x Ring Chain Gold Motorcycle Parts New | eBay
    Wish you werent so far away.. I would like you to do one of my heads for me if you could but I'm sure shipping would be outrageous... unless you got it from some one else I'm not sure,,,, if so where abouts? Thanks..
    That's awesome! Good to hear. How's it runnin?

    Were doin good. I guess. Idk I started to just really do my own thing.
    Yes, get rid of the timing advance and put it back to stock timing. And you can bolt this right on and run it. Let me know how it runs for you.
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