i know this is getting old. but id just like to add my 2 pennys. if tom the white guy realy did ask that guy for a spit shine and wasnt actualy offerd [ to be honest i dont think he was offered i think the black guy is innocent] that makes tom in the wrong, i dont care what colour you are if you ask me to spit shine your shoes in public id break your feet off.
black people are black and white are white, you can call a black man black thats not racist, he is black!, you can call me white because im white! its the context that matters if you say you white SOB,thats singling you out on the colour of your skin, in other words racist. theres no need for words like ni**er or h*nky, that is pure racisism. there was no need for the girl to shout pinky, and beat his white ass that was racist.
there is definetly a racial element in this, all that crap aside, dude got owned!!!!!!! lol