Young Black dude Vs Old White Man

whoa this country is still full of racist people

Are you retarded? Or did you just not watch the video. The old man moved up front to avoid a confrontation, but the black man just kept running his mouth. He got what he had coming, thankfully that old guy put him in his place, and embarrassed him for the entire internet to see. Not only that, but the black guy kept talking sh*t AFTER he got his ass beat. Pathetic.
GOOD. Im glad that guy got the sh*t kicked out of him. He deserved it. Thats the problem, some people walk around like there tuff sh*t and get knocked out I love it :)
racist?????? i grew up in the hood, have quite a few black freinds, i was the only white boy in my second grade class, so anything i may have thought or said, i earned the right to say!!!!
but this would have been just as funny if it were an old black dude and young white punk
Are you retarded? Or did you just not watch the video. The old man moved up front to avoid a confrontation, but the black man just kept running his mouth. He got what he had coming, thankfully that old guy put him in his place, and embarrassed him for the entire internet to see. Not only that, but the black guy kept talking sh*t AFTER he got his ass beat. Pathetic.

I find it funny that when a black makes fun of a white its perfectly fine, but when its the other way around its always racist no matter what the circumstance people fight all the time why always call racism? I just love it when those people who act like king s*** get what they had coming to them no matter what race if your that cocky you deserve a good beating.
yea guys racism is done? like seriously we have a black pres. that AMERICA VOTED for! besides what if it was a CHINAMAN hahaha that was the funniest part when he was like i dont give a sh*t i woulda asked ya evn if u were a chinaman! hahaha that black dude really wasnt doing anything wrong but then he got mad quick. he also got his ass kicked quick. that reminded me of a fight night knock out LMFAO!!!!