The 4 strokes are superior in efficiency and efficiency at a realistic powerband. I still enjoy 2 strokes. After I sell my Blaster, I will still pick up another 2 stroke along the way....maybe a shee or otherwise, but it's no coincidence that once 4 strokes hit the market as sport quads that they started slowly taking over. Just like cars being 4 strokes, mowers being 4 strokes, quads will ultimately only be 4 strokes and pretty much already are.
You make a 4 stroke sound like it has so many parts to it. No reeds, add valves, a cam, and then what after that? has 2 extra parts.....whoop dee sh*t. For some reason I doubt a sealed cam and closed valves are going to suddenly get stuck from sitting around......and due to their efficiency and ability to keep heat dissipation under more favorable conditions they stay more reliable as well. This doesn't take a lot of science to understand. Hell I will even go the added mile and say the 4 strokes are even easier engines to understand on operation, because with 2 stroke modding and port timing in conjunction with stroking, long rods, timing changes, fuel changes, and every thing else, it's a headache trying to figure out the BS from the facts unless you hit up SAE proven info from specific testing........that probably wasn't even done on the 2 stroke vehicle you ride.