Facebook is gay. my opinion
dont you have any friends then??? sad... I mean i understand that facebook can get boring and frustrating if you keep accepting request from random people anywhere, i myself only have people i know and if shes hot ill accept the request.
i have plenty of friends. but whats the point of accepting a friend request from someone in a completly different state unless i actually know someone in real life. i just dont care for facebook. i also have a myspace that i use a little more i have a bunch of friends on there but usually only talk to the ones i know unless they talk to me
Man why you guys bitching about something so stupid?
lasxgames did something nice. I joined man!
lol i aint bitching just asking questionsill join later.
i have a facebook just never on it because i dont really care for social networking sites besides forums because in forums you know you always have at least one thing in common