Yamaha blaster bog


New Member
Jun 29, 2011
Just got a 03 Blaster. Runs fine. Only problem is when taking off it goes. But until it hits powerband it bogs. Going up a hill I have to keep revving clutch to keep it in powerband. These are the mods
Full fmf gold series exhaust
2 stage boyson reeds
4" spacer kit
K and n air filter
Toothed down sprocket
New plug and coil with wire removed air box lid
Also the previous owner added a external fuel filter. Need some help. Thanks
stripped the bike so I could clean and check carb. Main jet was a 200. All I had was a stock 230 so I swapped it to that. Checked the spark plug. Little black. Cleaned it. Will get a new one. Then under the hood I was looking at all the wires and there was one unplugged. A white clip with black and green wire. Plugged it in. Wouldn't run with it plugged in. Idled fine butIt died if throttle was touched. So unplugged it and left it the way it originally was. So I have seemed to figure it needs a 280 or 290 main jet. Ordering both and gonna see which works better.
do not run that bike until you have that 290 jet in there. run that one first if its a little rich switch to the 280 you are probably near or at the point of frying that cylinder. may want to take the head off and see whats going on in there. and do a compression check to make sure its all good. should be 120 or above.
I would also check your reeds while your carb is off. If your having problem getting up hills it may be partially due to cracked or worn reeds which are not sealing properly, so your not building up sufficient compression. It might sound stupid but I use to have the same problem climbing hills, I cleaned my carb and got new reeds and I no longer need to clutch/rev up hills. Also check what groove the clip on your jet needle is on.
If I got my hands on someone who would put a #200 jet in there, I would break out my old Elastrator.

#290 and plug chop to perfection!

Order #270 through #310, you will possibly need them when the weather changes or you swap fuel to oil ratios.
just riding it today and it was rippingg then it siezed -_______- bringing it to the shop today
Full fmf gold series exhaust
2 stage boyson reeds
4" spacer kit
K and n air filter
Toothed down sprocket
New plug and coil with wire removed air box lid
Also the previous owner added a external fuel filter. Need some help. Thanks

+ #230 main jet. = $$$$$$$$$

So I have seemed to figure it needs a 280 or 290 main jet.

My ooooh my. Why ooooh why