Wrists hurting?

i know exactly what it is mine does the same thing, you're getting cramps in your wrists. i know it sounds weird but my wrists do the same thing and the doctor told me i was just having very bad cramps and needed to work my wrists more to make it stop. do as was said earlier, stop every once in a while and rest, if nothing else leave your hands on the handle bars and just let them rest there.
you need to work your wrist out more often. like twice a day. and if both are hurting, you have to switch hit.
the longer each work out session, the better. so try to last more than a minute.
/\/\/\/\/\ hahahaaa, i got that one, no wonder mine are so strong, lol

what kinda grips you running??? my hands/wrists would do that on 2 different bikes, my old kawi 3 wheeler had a foam type grip and they killed my arms/wrists, and my 200x had some real skinny sh*ts on it and they did the same, then i found "OURY" grips, semi soft to reduce vibration and fairly thick too, thats all i'll ever run now
$10 on ebay
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sounds like an abundance of circle jerking going on to me.... and he's the pivot man.... :-(

All jokes aside, if the pain is that intense maybe you should have it looked at just in case although I can pretty much tell you what a doctor is going to say.

You: Both my wrists hurt when I ride my quad
Doc: Do they hurt any other time?
You: not really just really bad when I ride
Doc: stop riding your quad
You: &$&*@# #&*%(@ %*@^$* %*%$#$
Doc: Maybe it's not your wrist but your head that needs examining
You: &&#$ Muth@#*&$ *$@#*$
Doc: Just hold still while I administer this shot and in a minute everything will be ALL BETTER
You: (after the shot) goo goo gaa gaa PFFFHALKEHLJHASD *asleep*

Ok so it might not go exactly like that but the doctor will tell you that if the only time it hurts is when you're riding, to stop riding...
sounds like an abundance of circle jerking going on to me.... and he's the pivot man.... :-(

All jokes aside, if the pain is that intense maybe you should have it looked at just in case although I can pretty much tell you what a doctor is going to say.

You: Both my wrists hurt when I ride my quad
Doc: Do they hurt any other time?
You: not really just really bad when I ride
Doc: stop riding your quad
You: &$&*@# #&*%(@ %*@^$* %*%$#$
Doc: Maybe it's not your wrist but your head that needs examining
You: &&#$ Muth@#*&$ *$@#*$
Doc: Just hold still while I administer this shot and in a minute everything will be ALL BETTER
You: (after the shot) goo goo gaa gaa PFFFHALKEHLJHASD *asleep*

Ok so it might not go exactly like that but the doctor will tell you that if the only time it hurts is when you're riding, to stop riding...

if he was the pivot man, he would have strong wrist and they wouldn't hurt.

but try this, get an ace bandage and wrap your wrist with it. or use something to tape your wrist up. see if that helps.

but have you ever hit your wrist hard?
landed on them wierd?
Maybe, but then again if everytime him and his buddies go riding he does all of the "work" his wrists could hurt when they're on the way back from their "ride"

...anyway the ace bandage is a good idea. Maybe it's funky swelling from shock. After a good long ride my ankles hurt a little but not really bad or anything just the normal.

Someone was selling boyesen antivibe grips in the for sale section. Not as cheap as awk's grips but they're a brand name.
Try adjusting your handle bars back a bit so your arm has to come down at more of an angle and your wrist isnt so cockeyed.

This is gonna sound odd, but try eating a bannana or drinking a thing of some nesquick chocolate milk (lots of potassium) before riding and see if that helps. If it does, you have lack of potassium.
/\/\/\/\/\ hahahaaa, i got that one, no wonder mine are so strong, lol

what kinda grips you running??? my hands/wrists would do that on 2 different bikes, my old kawi 3 wheeler had a foam type grip and they killed my arms/wrists, and my 200x had some real skinny sh*ts on it and they did the same, then i found "OURY" grips, semi soft to reduce vibration and fairly thick too, thats all i'll ever run now
$10 on ebay

I run OURY watercraft grips and they're really comfy
try to use some gloves. i had the same problem and doctors took ex rays and they just said to work your wrists in a circular motion. they dont hurt me anymore unless i do extreme riding. but gloves seem to reduce vibration a little bit
just wack it every night. it will help you work your wrist. get the blood flowing to your wrist and it feels great.
its cramps.. i get them in my knuckles. when it starts to hurt slow down take your hands off the bars and SHAKE them do not open them purposely let the shaking open them. its the only way i can do it, i think it is from gripping the bars so tight, im 145 5'7 so i need to but its the only thing that works for me.
if he was the pivot man, he would have strong wrist and they wouldn't hurt.

but try this, get an ace bandage and wrap your wrist with it. or use something to tape your wrist up. see if that helps.

but have you ever hit your wrist hard?
landed on them wierd?

you seem like you no alot about circle jerking:o

just messing with ya

but try not to grip the bars to tight and see if it helps