woohoo, finally ordered the final touches


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
ordered the rear fenders and tank cover today, i tried to get the maier custom rear fenders from the uk i was told by ATVworld they would be £260+vat at 17.5% im not good at vat but i reckon thats around £280ish and the tank cover £60+vat so £70ish? altogether then £350 + like 20 shipping. to put that into perspective the currency convertor says £370 is just short of $570!!!!!
so i ordered the from good old project blaster i got the custom rears but the trimmed ones and a tank cover and a few bits and bobs.

these are the fenders but mine will be black.


proper loving it lol cant wait to get them, these are the last bits oi need to finish my blaster apart from jetting the carb, which was wrong but ive sent back for a replacement.
i just hope that swine of a volcano stops its crap.....
ill get loads of pics up when the build is done, PB were quick with their shipping last time, they reckon it takes a few weeks to get the fenders in and trim them i was hoping to have the quad done at the start of next month, might be a bit longer but should be worth the wait.
im at the stage where im waiting for this stuff to finish it, when i get the oko [hopefully the right one this time] ill get that on, then litterally i just need to fit the fenders with the air filter etc, do the graphics, tank cover on. clutch lever... seat cover.... thats it. done. i can honestly say im surprised ive not stared the chrome off that f7 pipe less than a month untill i hear it rip for the first time... hopefully.