why did they stop making 2 strokes. i know they pollute but who cares humans will not be around for much longer anyway??? 4 strokes are just to boring. ac units are making alot more pollution. yes ac(air conditioning).
it all started when a buch of bastards called the EPA started up. need i say more?
They quit making them because of political bs. Look for them to return though. I can't remember the company, maybe ktm but one of them has designed a 2stroke motor that puts out less pollutants then the average 4stroke and still has the power of a 2stroke
They quit making them because of political bs. Look for them to return though. I can't remember the company, maybe ktm but one of them has designed a 2stroke motor that puts out less pollutants then the average 4stroke and still has the power of a 2stroke
atleast ktm and yamaha still make 2 strokes. but what happened to quads.
Quads aren't considered closed course race machines so if they don't meet the epa emission laws then they can't be sold in the u.s.
there are stil 2 strokes... but yamaha was the only sport quad maker besides gas gas after 92? that still made 2 smokers... honda kick them selfs in the ass by stoppin prodution of the 250r..
but not all 4 stroke sucks.. if you think they sucks go find someone with one of these and take it for a spin i best you crap your self!!..
trx450r crf450 ( hell any 450 4 stroke bike) can am ds 450 can am renigade 800 ( one bad ass 2/4 wd utility quad ktm 525 polaris outlaw 525 ltr450...... anyone of them wil change your mind about 4 strokes being boring...
i my self like ether... 4 stroke torque is nice and 2 stroke hp rocks!
i still like 4 strokes but my ex just needs more top end it has to much low end.