Why you NEED to wear a helment

I've never understood why some people think that the less than 60 seconds it takes to, put a helmet on, latch your 5 point harness or buckle your seat belt isn't worth it............... I have been hit by a semi "97 Freighter" doing 70mph. I truly believe if not for seat belts I would not be typing this............... Safety equipment it there for a reason.
Forget sheeblast's comment there. If you don't have a helmet, #1-You NEED a helmet, #2 Private message me IF YOU TRULY NEED ONE and I will send you one for FREE. I dont have many but Ill help where I can. None of us should stop helping till every brother on here has a head sled. =]

not sure what you mean by this, but i am not giving away a $150 helmet for free.

and about the school buses. if a kid is sitting down in one, the chance of them getting hurt in a normal crash is very low. now a roll over is a different story. and some buses do have seat belts. i remember getting on some that had just the lap belt. they were older too.
not sure what you mean by this, but i am not giving away a $150 helmet for free.

and about the school buses. if a kid is sitting down in one, the chance of them getting hurt in a normal crash is very low. now a roll over is a different story. and some buses do have seat belts. i remember getting on some that had just the lap belt. they were older too.

Was it them short buses that had the seat belts?8-|
just the busses for preschoolers and such have seatbelts on them around here. my car has the gay automatic seatbelts in it, so i dont have to worry about the shoulder belt, its automatically there. i just put on my lap belt and am good to go. i feel like people who dont wear helmets choose not to wear them. if they can afford a bike to ride, they can afford the small cost for a helmet. its that simple. so i dont feel bad for them. hell, most places at least around here have closeout deals on helmets and sh*t for like $20 for a brand new helmet
The worst way to think is,I'm a good rider, nothing is going to happen or I'm just takeing It down the road to check it out. I don't need it.
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Sheeblast I just meant that if someone needs a helmet on here and cant afford one(unlikely but yet a possibility) I will give them one of my extras.
i almost kissed my front teeth goodbye last summer because i didnt have a helmet,im going to make sure i have one this summer.took a jump and because the swingarm bearings/bushings were gone i hit the ground hard and kissed the throttle thingy.lol sore teeth for a week,thought they broke in the upper gum.never again!!