why does this keep happening?


New Member
May 11, 2009
okay well my 98 blaster keeps burning the rings up on the exaust side. its done it twice now. on two different cylinder's. anyone know why it keeps happeningg????X(
have you ever watched ken oconners DIY for how to install a cylinder? what kind of break in process do you do? leakdown test? and do you know how to jet?
basicly what im sayin is, there is a reason it happened twice, wasnt afluke, ether your jetting is to lean, or your oil mix is to light, using cheap oil in a air cooled motor is a no no, its the motors life line,

soo many things can do it,simple as this, br8es or b8es plug, clean filter, clean carb, good oil, klotz, pro honda hp2 maxima, hell quick silver boat oil is good stuff for the price, PREMIUM fuel only, blasters dont need the octane of the fuel they need the burn quality to keep front detonating on a air cooled motor
i run a br8es plug. and the carb is very clean. i havnt changed the air cleaner scince i baught it. maybee thats the cause
whats your mods, what carb, what jets now, and where you at in PA.
you dont change it just clean and oil it. what kind of 2 stroke oil do you use? are there any mods on it? what main jet are you running? have you done a leakdown test?

Edit: dam awk u beat me on some of that stuff
k&n air filter, powerpros exaust, dg silencer, 240 main jet, boyesson power reeds. 67.50 nuarma piston. and i run mariene tech oil.
well there ya go, it's prolly fryin on the first ride with a 240 main and those mods, you should be around or above a 300 with a power pros pipe and open airbox with k&n
jet up, or buy stock in wiseco
theres 2 posts at exactly 9:11 tellin ya whats wrong, whoever gave you the idea to not rejet for those mods ??????
i say 300 because.... and before i say thing, locatoin, and every machine are differant, but awk is in the same 'location' and agrees,

300 should be close enough that your not gonna melt it down, my 89 with lrd pipe, k&n no lid, and power reeds, ran a 300 main and was happy, with my 260 pounds on it
no need to rejet the pilot on a stock carb with those mods, the 32.5 works fine for me on my sons bike with very similar mods and a 300 main jet, stock needle, clip in the middle
no need to rejet the pilot on a stock carb with those mods, the 32.5 works fine for me on my sons bike with very similar mods and a 300 main jet, stock needle, clip in the middle

same here in wisconsin iv never had to change clip on a blaster or apilot, ill give the a/f screw a 1/4 turn richer just because thats how i do it

now the lt250r thats a diff story prev owner jacked the jetting all retarded for winter, so i gotta drop a clip on the needle and drop 1-2 pilot sizes
so just buy a 300 main jet and put it in. then what? do i have to do anything else or just put it back together?