whos been arrested and for what


New Member
Apr 28, 2008
i know some of yall got arrested before, just wondering if we got any good ones ( good as in bad ) haha lets hear em
mine are
possesion of tobbacco, 2 times
possesion of marijuana and parifinilia ( in school )
vandilisum ( cant speel for sh*t )
b and e
almost shop lifting but i told them where a stolen AR15 was and they forgot about it haha
i know it sounds bad but ive changed since all that stuff, it was all in about one school year, 8th grade year:">
posession of tobacco?...jeez whats wrong with that or am I missing out on something...
OH right, well here it is 18 to get cigarettes but if your parents buy them for you then your ok, I have never been arrested and dont plan to be..
im actually writing to you right now from my 60 minute weekly internet time in jail
i was incarcerated for 900 years for:
quadruple murders which involved tickling to death
molestation of animals
armed robberey with a sharpened toothbrush
indecent exposure while visiting grandma in her old folks home
and running a underground chess syndicate :-D
been in trouble alot when i was younger.. mostly disorderly conduct with a motor vehicle ( brake stands).. and some other stuff i dont care to share.. nothing felony just dont care to share.. learm from your mistakes and grown from them
Never been arrested, although I have had several not so comfortable conversations with the boys in blue. I have been a bit of a trouble maker in my younger years, mainly driving violations and mouthing off to cops. But now that I have a family and bills I cant afford the tickets so I try to lay low.

Speaking of legal implications, lets just say I have a very good friend who has a very old grandmother who lives out in the middle of BFE. We're talking just recently got running water, you have to drive through a creek to get to her house, put you in the mindset of the movie deliverance BFE.
She owns a large piece of land out there and has no way to watch what is going on on her land since she is in no shape to be climbing around through the woods. She has one of only two houses that are still occupied on her road everyone else has gotten old and died off and since it is out in the middle of nowhere nobody comes around.

The problem is the other house is occupied by some "Entrepreneurs" of the criminal sorts. They have decided that since she isn't using her land they should set up shop. They have been using it to setup everything from stills to what I suspect are meth labs and some growing operations to which she is completely oblivious.

My question is do you think the cops would be curious as to how a still/ meth lab blew up or would they just say oh well anotherstill/ meth lab blew up. And how dangerous are the chemicals in a lab, as in how far back would be a safe distance IF I were to be involved in the destruction of one such lab?

Before you tell me I should just tell the local PD, I should say that there is reason to believe that they know and just dont care. His grandmother has been shown pictures of some of the shacks that have been set up. she just prefers the out of site out of mind concept and prefers not to get involved
Never been arrested, although I have had several not so comfortable conversations with the boys in blue. I have been a bit of a trouble maker in my younger years, mainly driving violations and mouthing off to cops. But now that I have a family and bills I cant afford the tickets so I try to lay low.

Speaking of legal implications, lets just say I have a very good friend who has a very old grandmother who lives out in the middle of BFE. We're talking just recently got running water, you have to drive through a creek to get to her house, put you in the mindset of the movie deliverance BFE.
She owns a large piece of land out there and has no way to watch what is going on on her land since she is in no shape to be climbing around through the woods. She has one of only two houses that are still occupied on her road everyone else has gotten old and died off and since it is out in the middle of nowhere nobody comes around.

The problem is the other house is occupied by some "Entrepreneurs" of the criminal sorts. They have decided that since she isn't using her land they should set up shop. They have been using it to setup everything from stills to what I suspect are meth labs and some growing operations to which she is completely oblivious.

My question is do you think the cops would be curious as to how a still/ meth lab blew up or would they just say oh well anotherstill/ meth lab blew up. And how dangerous are the chemicals in a lab, as in how far back would be a safe distance IF I were to be involved in the destruction of one such lab?

Before you tell me I should just tell the local PD, I should say that there is reason to believe that they know and just dont care. His grandmother has been shown pictures of some of the shacks that have been set up. she just prefers the out of site out of mind concept and prefers not to get involved

my advise to you is DO NOT call the cops. you really dont f*ck with people cooking meth, you NEVER know who is supplying/supporting them. the chemicals are extremely dangerous, ether, lithium, anhydrous ammonia, lots of cold meds. you are serioulsy playing with fire. if it were me and i wanted them gone just go destroy a few of the stills STAY AWAY FROM THE METH LABS!! i would suspect that after a still or two is destroyed they will get paranoid since someone obviously is on to them and move on.
lol, so you want him to not tell the cops so he has no protection, and just destroy it himself? you can report things just as anonymously as you can destroy them...
^^^that might be a good Idea. I'm not sure if they are meth labs or not, my friends mom was telling me about them and she thought it was a lab but from how she described it I'm not sure sounds more like a still to me. They have noticed people on utility quads with big tanks on them going up and down the road and in and out of the woods at night. sounds like they're hauling shine to me but not sure. could have something to do with meth as I'm not real familiar with the process. All I know is to look for a bunch of propane tanks being used to hold anahydryous amonia (wow I even spelled that right the first try).

As far as being afraid of "those kind of people"......I'm not!
we had a bunch of labs pop up locally about 2 yrs ago and we have our ways of dealing with them. An old farmer found 2 mini labs set up in his woods so he called the cops they came in and cleared them out. A few days later he called to report a couple "abandond" cars on his property that were traced back to some guy in cleveland. they never did find who was driving the cars? hum......guess they must have walked home...
lol, so you want him to not tell the cops so he has no protection, and just destroy it himself? you can report things just as anonymously as you can destroy them...
Yeah, but like my tag says "I likes to burn stuffs":-D

My only hesitation is I dont want to bring down any trouble for his grandma. If it were my property I would have blown them up with the cooks inside already.
whos been arrested

I agree whats there to brag about, you mess your life up and want to brag about it. People have to much free time.