We used to always tie this hood to the back of my buddies four wheeler and haul balls through the trails by my house when it would rain with someone on the hood. There were alot of straights were we could get some speed and we had made the trails wide enough for 2 four wheelers side by side. Well it was raining prettty hard and my buddy Michael was on the hood and we were flying down this straight well when we hit the turn he swung out and the rope broke and he nailed this huge tree. It was like intertubing behind a boat. It was pretty rough. Needless to say we didnt get to ride the wheelers for a pretty good while and we no longer had a hood. Used to do it all the time though when we were 14 and 15 though. We pulled people in everything hoods, small trailers, canoes. But i would recommend it to anyone lol.