Bahhah well after several carb tear downs, cussing an cigarettes i finally found the problem....... I seem to have misjudged the dirtyness of my airfilter...... Lol
Well then, that settles that. Which reminds me I need to clean mine tomorrow I found some nice mud puddles today on the trails and kept going through them over and over.
Yea ive been scrubbing my k&n to get all the crap out of it ganna see it it runs better with my lid mod i did, probably just ganna get a foam filter cause this thing still feels restrictive
I run K&N too. They let more air in but that also means more dirt. I have lid off but plan on getting outerwear just haven't yet because damn medical bills and mortgage. Although I did buy a powerball ticket today lol. Most people on here seem to prefer Uni filters it seems I may try one of those for peace of mind.
Yea that sucks, i have my snorkel on i just drilled six 1/2 holes in the lid, i cleaned it once an put it on my bike but it was still boggy but i used purple power an dish soap so hopefully all the debris is out of the filter
Like stated,, If running an FMf you need to up your jetting amongst possibly other things. Pet wiener could be clogged, vent on the gas cap, float level,, your oil ratio to your jetting, air leak, **Oil injection nipple on carb not plugged since running pre mix***, etc... All possibilities should be considered until a leak test is performed.
Sounds like you are flooding it and then running it lean. ?? Not sure why a b9 plug isn't fouling but an 8 was. Fouling an 8 plug and not a 9 is suggesting something .. Anyone ????
Can you please post a pic of the plugs?
Sounds like you are to lean and may have pre ignition, thus the cooler plug the B9 is a tad cooler and les prone to pre ignition.. ?
What are using to scrub your K&N?
Bucket of water and soap, swish around, up& down, let soak, do it again, rins with hose from inside out. Let dry good, oil it up.
Ive only owned the bike for a week so honestly its never fouled a plug on me its just my experiance with my several other 2 smokes i run 9's an they love um, oil injection nipple is blocked off, yea purple power soapy water an compressed air i used to clean the filter, you could eat off the carb its so clean lol im leaning towards dirty filter an unproper jetting ill have to get me 260 or 270 jet an see whats up but ive still heard of people throwing on after market pipes with stock jetting an the bikes never acted like this usually it was better.
Well shes hauls ass now! My clean airfilter with my airbox mod seem to have worked but ganna have it properly jetted before i ride her hard cause it still has a bog goin on but the powerbands back!
Ifr the bog seems the be around 3-4th gear 1/2 throttle, i dont have any filter oil an ways but yea ill have to look into the recharge kit cause id hate to throw a 50$ filter away. Will peform a plug chop real soon ganna find my jets tomorrow