Wheel'n & Deal'n?


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Philly PA
Hey guy!

Yesterday I picked up a 94 Yamaha Warrior 350cc w/ reverse for $200.
The quad is missing the seat and front brake calipers and hoses. It has good spark and compression but the carb is dumping in tons of fuel. Basicly, it needs some tlc and is a little rough around the edges.
I have a guy who wants to come today to trade even up for a 2000 Yamaha TT 125cc that runs perfect and needs nothing.
I never heard of a TT before? Is it like a YZ? Is it a mini bike or really small?
Do you think it's a good trade to make?

Trade this ...........


For this................

you and 4cfed are ALWAYS trading or buying something haha. can't help you out with the trade though that much. hopefully somebody in here can help you out with that
tt125 is around the same size as a yz125.. power whise is no where near it but size wise... there a trail bike.. .. id say do it, than clean up the tt125 and touch up any paint that needs touched up and flipp it for something cooler...

and wheelin n dealin bartering and tradin is the way do go!! start with 'junk' and you can work your self up to somethng nice
Lots of wheelers and dealers here I see! lol

I'm not really comfortable about this trade, but the guy is on his way with his TTR 125.
I'll keep you posted!
tt125 is around the same size as a yz125.. power whise is no where near it but size wise... there a trail bike.. .. id say do it, than clean up the tt125 and touch up any paint that needs touched up and flipp it for something cooler...
No no no they are way smaller then a yz125, there more the size of a xr100. But yeah I agree trade it then flip it for something cooler.
I say flip it from what others are saying about it. I don't know much about the TTRs at all but if they are slower than the YZs and smaller too then it probably wouldn't benefit you too much unless you have kids. Flip for some larger project or something that you could use.
Hey guy!
Well I did the deal and now have the TTR 125. I must say that I can't believe that it happened. The TTR125 is much bigger then I expected it to be. It also fires up on the first kick and carted my a$$ around the block with no problem! I was also supprised at how quick it is! I don't want to get soft on you guys but I really like it! lol...... But it'll be on CL tomorrow up for sale or trade! :D
Hey guy!
Well I did the deal and now have the TTR 125. I must say that I can't believe that it happened. The TTR125 is much bigger then I expected it to be. It also fires up on the first kick and carted my a$$ around the block with no problem! I was also supprised at how quick it is! I don't want to get soft on you guys but I really like it! lol...... But it'll be on CL tomorrow up for sale or trade! :D

nice man!!! clean it up good, maybe polsih up the bars/ wheels or some little crap.. make it look purty and send it down the road
That sucks I was looking for a warrior for a friend of mine. He's looking to get into quads this year. Wish I new you had it to trade.
i bought a trx 250x for $100 from my friend it had a busted case from the chain coming off.my other friend had a 03 cr 85 big wheel that needed a clutch and silencer and he want the trx so i traded him straight up.so i have a 03 cr 85 bigwheel for $100 i put another $150-$200 in for for the silencer and clutch.it had a brand new fmf fatty on it already so i bought the powercore2 silncer.then i turned around and sold it for $800.i made $500 off it.i took the $800 and went and bought the blaster
Yeah theres a warrior on mass cl for 150, I'm deff getting it, money's tight but my dad still owes me a paycheck. The listing said sold as is, I used to ride then I parked it and its not running or starting... No match for the Great Braaaaap.
The ttr is smaller unless its a big wheel version. They are pretty quick for what they are especially in the woods. My dad has one and he can keep up with 400's and 450's easily. I've seen them selling for $1000-1200 around here. I think its a good deal.