what next?

i diden't wann have to do this but heres the prices for the stuff arround me that I think is sad
2000 yamaha banshee banshee
2006 Yamaha Banshee newer banshee but everything is worn out
One clean Yamaha banshee 99
2006 Yamaha banshee 350 2 stroke twin
those prices make me depressed when I think about someday entertaining the idea of a mabey getting a banshee
here are the blasters super low $$$
Yamaha Blaster ATV Quad 4 wheeler
2000 yamaha blaster
2002 Yamaha ATV for Golf Cart
97 Yamaha blaster
Yamaha Blaster
Blaster yamaha 97 looks pretty decent aand the last one is a new 06
looks down and shakes head at all of these except for the second to last one
Hey i got the blasters and the shee , but i ride the blasters more than anything.. I'm usually only trail riding,, although i can go to the tracks any time..in my area there two very local and one owned by close friends/fellow employees.. Playboy and diamond back also lembo lake for close friends only now... But like i seen someone say before they are a bigger guy like myself n enjoy the blaster. I'm 6`2 185 so yeah I'm tall but i like the blaster more than anything,,the shee seems to fast for me and harder to handle (in trails),,its fun going strait or wide turns but in tight trails its not so easy for me, i mean it's not hard but i like the blasty better... Although all my buddy's, well most of them ride bikes 450`s but i myself enjoy the blaster the most,, why?? Well that answer would take up to much time.. let's just say you never grow out of a blaster, just make sure your ready to move up before you do, and like said learn the blaster is and is do you can use that knowledge for what you ride next,, who knows maybe one day maybe you will be teaching your son or daughter how to ride a blasty,so learn all about it.. i know your young but u are going to grow up n these things will be classics just like a trike.. let's keep them alive. :)
Oh and i got my banshee for free,, not the prettiest but running great...(sorry guys)thank God,,, it came with the deal :)...but around here there a little pricey and the blasters go for around a grand for a running one up to 3500 for a full built race quad, flat track i mean.. every now and again you will catch one for about 800$ with someone looking for quick$$$$..that's if there not stolen. Happens allot around here sadly...
every body is a kid at heart and will always love their first toy truck they played with is that pretty close? :D

I don't think so.
My first quad was a 660 Raptor. It did not fit the bill for what I wanted.
I wanted light, I wanted simple, I wanted reliable. What other quad gives you that?

Light? It has the be 2 stroke.
Simple? Ever look at the new 450s?
Light? Mine is a bit stripped but it weighs in at about 300 lbs even.

A Blaster engine can be tuned up to 35+hp pretty easily and reliably.
That power to weight ratio will play with the big boys easy enough.
If you can't ride or tune a Blaster to kick butt, a bigger toy is just "compensating"...

the kid across the street bought a banshee ill wait till he blows it up which will be soon and ill give him like 200 bucks for it hes not the sharpest tool in the shed. he sold me a fmf header pipe fir 6 bucks
Oh and i got my banshee for free,, not the prettiest but running great...(sorry guys)thank God,,, it came with the deal :)...but around here there a little pricey and the blasters go for around a grand for a running one up to 3500 for a full built race quad, flat track i mean.. every now and again you will catch one for about 800$ with someone looking for quick$$$$..that's if there not stolen. Happens allot around here sadly...

Must be nice to get a RUNNING free banshee! Lol
ya i wish!!! he got it today so ill wait a mounth and offer him 600 fr it if its not blown up it was for sale down the road for 2500 but he didnt buy it so he will forget about it in a couple weeks hes kinda a pot head