This is the post that sparked the argument.
There is no way that an engine with the mods and environment specified needs a #310 main jet.
No matter where in the world you are, US, Asia, Oceania, or Timbuctoo, the oxygen content of the atmosphere is identical.
Is the US so different that it requires special jetting practices than the rest of the world.
please go educate yourself on the effects temperature and altitude have on air density and pressure, and how that effects oxygen content and jetting, it's basic tuning principles anyone giving advise should already know ha ?
if you think the oxygen content is the same at sea level as it is on Mt. Everest you must have missed that day of school ?
the Op posted it was 30 F in his post, it's 20 degrees F here today, thats fahrenheit not celcius.
thats colder than it's ever been where you live.
if I came to 85' elevation and average low temps of 6 C, I might ask you for jetting advice,
but i doubt it
my advice was to buy 270 thru 310 jets, start large and plug chop down.
thats advising a safe jetting range, promotes learning to plug chop down, allows them to order a range of jets all at once to save on shipping costs, and have a couple extras for future mods and/or changing enviroments.
my personal experience in these temps with that pipe/mods say a 310 will be very close, and definately safe !
(again....we run 290 main jets in summer temps w/ that pipe/mods @ similar elevation)
for anyone to suggest 1 main jet size like you did is just plain ignorant.
I live, ride and successfully jet multiple machines in this enviroment, I know what it takes for a bike to survive in it.
If you or your buddy thinks that makes me a king, I'm flattered
Well, I think both you guys know A lot more than me .
you may want to rethink that from what i'm seeing